what do you think of using the girl’s name Mairin in [name]America[/name]? In [name]Ireland[/name], it is pronounced maw-reen, like [name]Maureen[/name]. I like the spelling of Mairin. [name]How[/name] would you pronounce it? What do you think of [name]Maureen[/name] vs. Mairin?
I think it would be problematic. I thought it was a different spelling of [name]Maren[/name].
I though [name]May[/name]-rin or Mah-rin but I encounter difficult to pronounce names fairly often & it’s never a problem beyond initial meeting. I also think there is a return to traditional Irish spellings in [name]America[/name] so in time this one might feel more familiar.
Personally I usually go for the Americanized spellings & prefer [name]Maureen[/name]. Not as distinct but more down to earth feeling