(this post might be long)
Hi berries! It’s been a little bit over a week since I made a topic about any names that I’ve fallen in love with for just a day. And I think I found the reason why, at least for now. I think it’s bc I found my “permanent/realistic” top 10 names(which might be my last topic for awhile, maybe), like I don’t think it’ll ever change, at least for the seeable future. And I think it has to do with me having not one dream, but four dreams in a row about having girls named Darby & Maisie with a son named Huck/Huxley. And I know it’s just dreams, and it could be bc they were in my brain for almost a week, but i digress. But nothing has come close to them not even Genevieve & Delilah. And I know Darby and Maisie have different vibes, but that’s the thing; human beings in general, related or not; are different people. But; the dreams I had about their personalities they were both quirky in different ways, even looked a bit different.
Darby: I’ve always pictured Darby with either black hair or dark brown long hair, with peachy or ivory skin and an oval shaped face. Her eyes are almond shaped with liquid chocolate brown eyes, that when the sun hits her eyes they almost seemed like gold. She was the tomboy/sporty one; always chasing the boys around, playing pirates, going to soccer games but also wasn’t afraid to play with Barbies with her younger sister, Maisie. She has a very jokester personality, but also has a nurturing side to her, especially with animals.
Maisie: I’ve pictured Maisie with short dirty blonde hair, with peachy or olive skin, and a heart shaped face. Her eyes are round with blue-greens eyes that’d sparkled like the ocean when the sun sets. She’s the artistic girly one; the one who needs something to do, she lives in princess dresses 24/7, but she isn’t afraid to get her pink dresses muddy. Her personality is sweet, but fierce, she isn’t afraid to speak up for herself.
And idk, what’s the point of this topic. Maybe I just wanted to express my deep love for these names. Then again isn’t it the point of NB?
Thanks for reading,
Teddy March.