Male names for GIRLS

Would you give your daughter a typically male name?

  • Yes, its unique
  • No, girls can have girls names
  • Only if paired with a feminine middle name
0 voters

How would you spell * Aiden * for a girl?

  • Aiden
  • Aidan
  • Aidane
  • Ayden
0 voters

How would you spell * Adrian * for a girl?

  • Adrian
  • Adrianne
  • Adryenne
0 voters

How would you spell * Blake * for a girl?

  • Blayke
  • Blake
0 voters

Which male name do you like the best for a girl

  • Aspen
  • Devin
  • Everett
  • Grey
  • Spencer
0 voters

Iā€™d give it to a girl, not because itā€™s be unique but because I liked it. Iā€™d spell it the same exact way cause to me a spelling doesnā€™t make it anymore feminine (ex, [name_f]Blayke[/name_f] doesnā€™t look more feminine than Blake), though with [name_f]Adrienne[/name_f] it is the actual feminine form of [name_u]Adrian[/name_u] and not just a different spelling and I actually really like the way it looks too. For the last poll [name_u]Aspen[/name_u] actually leans fem to me, Iā€™ve only met and seen female Aspens, voted for [name_u]Grey[/name_u] even though itā€™s a solidly unisex name to me I still love it :black_heart:


For the first poll: No I wouldnā€™t, but not because I think ā€œgirls should be girlyā€, they are simply not my style :man_shrugging:


I went for ā€œyes, itā€™s uniqueā€ but Iā€™d more just use one if I liked it.

Iā€™d spell it [name_u]Aden[/name_u] :slight_smile: and I love [name_u]Everett[/name_u] on a girl :heart_eyes:

well, im not aganist it, i just donā€™t think id personally do it. id still love to see it though !

In agreement with several comments above: I donā€™t think girl names have to be girly, but ā€œmaleā€ names as girl names tend to not be my style. I do like more traditional ā€œfemaleā€ names that have masculine or gender neutral nicknames, like [name_f]Philippa[/name_f] ā€œPip/Philā€, [name_f]Frances[/name_f] ā€œFrankieā€, etc.

And I usually prefer ā€˜originalā€™/more simplified spellings of names. I donā€™t find that different spellings make me think of a name as more or less masculine or feminine, and to me they just add a layer of confusion.

But I did vote for [name_f]Adrianne[/name_f] (and especially love Adrienne) as the feminine form of [name_u]Adrian[/name_u]

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Itā€™s not my style, personally. Perhaps itā€™s a cultural difference (Iā€™m not American), but Iā€™m not sure why I would use a boysā€™ name for a girl when there are so many beautiful and meaningful girlsā€™ names out there. Plus, there are already fewer boysā€™ names than girlsā€™ names in the naming pool as it is.

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[name_f]Pretty[/name_f] much what @leafygreens said exactly.