What are you thoughts on the name Malika? In this case it’s pronounced “[name]Mal[/name]-Leh-Kah”, and the meaning is [name]Queen[/name].
[name]Malika[/name] is the only spelling I am aware of for this Arabic name which means “queen”. It’s the feminine form of [name]Malik[/name] and I would pronounce it “mah-[name]LEE[/name]-kah”. I think it’s very pretty and it’s getting popular in the African-American community. It also seems to gaining popularity with non-Muslims too! You may also like the similar sounding name of Malaika which means “angel” in Swahili and is pronounced “mah-LYE-kah”. I prefer the sound of Malaika more than [name]Malika[/name].
A friend of mine has a DD named [name]Malika[/name] (pn Ma-[name]LEE[/name]-ka). She was named in honour of her paternal grandmother - My friends DH is Arab.
I think its pretty, unexpected and unusual and I’d love to meet another little [name]Malika[/name]/Malikah some day