Margot, Ingrid & Zelda OR Thalia, Rosalind & Callista?

I am really torn between short and spunky vintage style names, such as [name]Margot[/name], [name]Ingrid[/name] and [name]Zelda[/name], and longer, frilly, romantic names with lots of nn options, such as [name]Rosalind[/name], [name]Thalia[/name] and [name]Callista[/name]. I can’t decide! Which potential sibset do you prefer?

[name]Rosalind[/name], [name]Thalia[/name] and [name]Callista[/name].

[name]Margot[/name], [name]Ingrid[/name] and [name]Zelda[/name] by far!!

[name]Margot[/name], [name]Ingrid[/name] and [name]Zelda[/name]!

I love [name]Ingrid[/name]!


Another vote for [name]Margot[/name], [name]Ingrid[/name] and [name]Zelda[/name]. :slight_smile:

[name]Rosalind[/name], [name]Callista[/name] and [name]Thalia[/name] make a lovely sibset!

Much prefer [name]Rosalind[/name], [name]Callista[/name] and [name]Thalia[/name]! [name]Ingrid[/name] has always sounded pretty brutal and harsh to me, [name]Margot[/name] makes me think of Maggot despite me knowing that the ‘t’ is silent and it also conjures an image of an unpleasant old woman, much the same way [name]Ethel[/name] and [name]Beryl[/name] does. [name]Zelda[/name] doesn’t make much of an impression on me other than reminding me of [name]Sabrina[/name]'s aunt in [name]Sabrina[/name] the Teenaged Witch :stuck_out_tongue:

[name]Margot[/name], [name]Ingrid[/name] and [name]Zelda[/name] by a landslide. They’re elegant, timeless, frills-free classics that make me think of silent movies and lady aviators. [name]Love[/name]!

Ok this comment may have made up my mind, because that’s exactly the impression I’ll be going for when naming my children! I do love the frilly set as middle names, though.

I love [name]Margot[/name] and [name]Ingrid[/name] but I hate [name]Zelda[/name].

I like [name]Callista[/name] and [name]Rosalind[/name] and [name]Thalia[/name] are okay with the right nn’s.

[name]Margot[/name], [name]Ingrid[/name] and [name]Zelda[/name]!! I wish I had the guts to use [name]Zelda[/name]. I would love to meet a little [name]Zelda[/name]!

[name]Love[/name] [name]Margot[/name], [name]Ingrid[/name], and [name]Zelda[/name] together! I like the other sibset a lot, too, but there’s just something about [name]Margot[/name], [name]Ingrid[/name], and [name]Zelda[/name]. I love it!