
I’m having a boy this February! [name]Just[/name] wanted to take a break from boys names. What do u think of [name]Mariposa[/name] means butterfly in spanish? Possible nick names? I love how it sounds in spanish but not so much in english. Any middle name suggestions? Thank you!

I think it’s pretty and love it’s meaning. Nn’s [name]Mari[/name]/[name]Mary[/name], [name]Marie[/name], [name]May[/name], [name]Posey[/name], [name]Ari[/name]…

It is pretty. [name]Mari[/name] is cute.

I like it! Lots of middle names would work, those starting with a vowel may not be the best:

[name]Mariposa[/name] [name]Claire[/name]
[name]Mariposa[/name] [name]Louise[/name]
[name]Mariposa[/name] [name]Pearl[/name]
[name]Mariposa[/name] [name]Elizabeth[/name]
[name]Mariposa[/name] [name]Ruth[/name]
[name]Mariposa[/name] [name]Caroline[/name]

V pretty! I like [name]Posey[/name] a nn

I’m not sold on this. I’m all for spanish names but this one…I don’t know. Maybe because it sounds close to a spanish swear word.

I think it’s a brand of clothing around here…so it’s kinda ruined for me, but on it’s own it is a cute name. Great nickname potential.

I think the sound and meaning is beautiful, however, I believe in some Mexican cultures, [name]Mariposa[/name]/o is used as a deragatory slang word for homosexual.

I can see its appeal…kind of.