Mark Wahlberg's new baby girl

[name]Mark[/name] Wahlberg and his wife [name]Rhea[/name] welcomed new baby girl

[name]Margaret[/name] [name]Grace[/name]

[name]Mark[/name] and [name]Rhea[/name] also have [name]Ella[/name] [name]Rae[/name], [name]Michael[/name] and [name]Brendon[/name] [name]Joseph[/name]

I think its a beautiful name!

Whats Michaels middle name??? And why didnt they spell [name]Ella[/name]'s middle name like her mothers???

I think it is lovely!

I dont know what Michaels name is, i couldnt find it. But [name]Rae[/name] and [name]Rhea[/name] are pronounced diffrently, so there not the same name. Maybe it was just supposed to be a spin off of [name]Rhea[/name]

very cute! I like it :slight_smile:

I like [name]Michael[/name] and [name]Margaret[/name]!!! I don’t care for [name]Ella[/name] or [name]Brendon[/name] but at least they’re nice, real names.

I think it’s a lovely name. And I’m glad to see more stars are using more normal names for their kids. It was getting quite ridiculous there for awhile!

I read on a website a while ago that [name]Michael[/name]'s middle name is [name]Robert[/name] - [name]Michael[/name] [name]Robert[/name]. I can’t remember the website and I don’t know if it’s true!

People Magazine just announced that the newest Wahlberg baby is [name]Grace[/name] [name]Margaret[/name], not [name]Margaret[/name] [name]Grace[/name].

And although I love [name]Margaret[/name] (it’s my middle name, too :D), I think [name]Grace[/name] flows better with [name]Ella[/name], [name]Michael[/name], and [name]Brendan[/name]. I just love the names [name]Rhea[/name] and [name]Mark[/name] have chosen for their kids!

I actually prefer [name]Grace[/name] [name]Margaret[/name] :slight_smile:

[name]Grace[/name] [name]Margaret[/name] is really pretty and goes well with the other kids’ names. The only one that feels misplaced is [name]Brendon[/name] or [name]Brandon[/name] or whatever it is. It sticks out to me, but oh well, could be worse! [name]Margaret[/name] [name]Grace[/name] would have been cute too, if she went by [name]Maggie[/name] - adorable!

I see [name]Ella[/name] and [name]Brendon[/name] together, and [name]Michael[/name] and [name]Margaret[/name] together. [name]Margaret[/name] feels more buttoned up than [name]Ella[/name], so I hope they use a sweet nickname, like [name]Maggie[/name] or [name]Maisie[/name], to soften her name up!