I came across [name]Marlow[/name] today and thought it was cute, but DH said, and I quote, “[name]Honey[/name], that’s a dude’s name.” Is he right?
I think it is that horrible in between unisex, but is now trendy for girls. I really dislike the name. It doesn’t come close to being as lovely as your other kids’ names. If you want to continue with the M theme, how about:
Good luck.
I grew up going to school with a girl named [name]Marlowe[/name]. I’ve never heard it on a boy, and think it’s really pretty for a girl. I don’t see it as a boy’s name, and I don’t see it as being unisex either. The [name]Marlowe[/name] I knew has a sister named [name]Miranda[/name], and I think it works with your other kids.
I suppose it could be unisex, but I find it more masculine than feminine. Makes me think of [name]Captain[/name] [name]Marlow[/name] (different spelling obviously), the narrator of Heart of Darkness.
There are male Marlows (the Heart of Darkness character, as mentioned, and [name]Christopher[/name] [name]Marlow[/name], [name]Shakespeare[/name]'s plywriting contemporary, for instance), but I think [name]Marlow[/name] is cropping up for girls since it sounds like [name]Harlow[/name] (that Hollywood glamor vibe) and fits into the surname trend. I like it okay, though I might like [name]Monroe[/name] a little more.
It’s definitely a boy’s name for me, but I do know a little girl named [name]Marlowe[/name] nn [name]Marley[/name].
I think of [name]Marlo[/name] [name]Thomas[/name] so it feels feminine to me. I like [name]Marla[/name] & [name]Marlena[/name] more though cause they do feel more feminine and less nicknamey. I just looked it up and [name]Marlo[/name] [name]Thomas[/name] was actually a [name]Margaret[/name] so I guess it was a nickname or a stage name.
I like [name]Marlow[/name] for a girl. It is not super feminine, but I still really like it. Maybe spelling it [name]Marlo[/name] instead would make it less masculine?
I love the name [name]Marlow[/name] for a girl!!! It is one of my top 5 girl names, I like the [name]Marlowe[/name] spelling of it for some reason…and as a double name, [name]Mary[/name] [name]Marlowe[/name]. Adding an e at the end and combining it with [name]Mary[/name] makes it seem more feminine [name]IMO[/name], bc some say it isn’t very girly. I do not associate the name with a boy bc I don’t know any boys with that name, but I know many people consider it a boy name, or unisex. I know it can also be a surname too. I only know one person named [name]Marlow[/name], and it is a girl spelled, [name]Marlo[/name]. As mentioned in a previous post, [name]Marley[/name] is a really cute nn for [name]Marlow[/name]. Maybe your DH could be persuaded with that slightly more feminine nn. Good [name]Luck[/name]!
I’ve only heard it as a girls name.