My given name is [name_f]Kathryn[/name_f] and I have always gone by [name_f]Katie[/name_f]. [name_f]Kathryn[/name_f] is only on legal docs. Is it weird if named daughter [name_f]Mary[/name_f] [name_f]Kathryn[/name_f]? It feels like a double standard, but we named our son after my husband. Is it odd? Thanks!!
I think it’s fine. I actually like it a lot. I share a middle name with my mom and I always loved being named after her. I even gave my daughter the same middle name as us and she loves it too.
It isn’t odd at all. I think it would be a lovely connection between mom and daughter and I would rather have an honour name of someone very close to me rather than just a name from the family tree.
I don’t think it’s odd…it’s actually quite common to be named after parents and other relatives. I wish there was something a little more unexpected/original about [name_f]Mary[/name_f] [name_f]Kathryn[/name_f]…it seems so obvious. But it’s fine to use.
I don’t think it is odd at all - especially if you don’t normally use your full name. Using your names for the middles of your first girl and boy is quite common. My cousin did that with her son and daughter - no one thought it was odd. Plus, [name_f]Mary[/name_f] [name_f]Kathryn[/name_f] is so pretty!
I also don’t think it would be odd at all. Many parents choose to name their children after them (first names or middle names). I know several people who share a name with one of their parents.
Not odd at all. very sweet, I think! Plus I think [name_f]Mary[/name_f] [name_f]Kathryn[/name_f] is adorable!