How do you pronounce the name [name_m]Matthias[/name_m]?
Math-ee-us? Muh-thy-us?
I’m pretty sure it’s Muh-thy-us. There’s a youtuber named Matthias, and that’s how he pronounces it
I say Muh-thy-us but my mum says Math-ee-us
Muh-thigh-is. [name_m]Matias[/name_m] would be Muh-tee-is for me.
I know a [name_m]Matthias[/name_m] and he pronounces it muh-thy-is
[name_f]My[/name_f] friend [name_m]Matthias[/name_m] pronounces it muh-TIE-us
Muh-thy-us is my instinct
I say muh-tigh-us
I’ve heard both pronunciations, and I think both are “correct”. I would assume muh-TYE-us for this spelling, personally.
I think it’s Math-ee-us.
Muh-thy-uss for me.
I would have thought muh- tee-us but I could see emphasizing the H too like muh-thigh-us.
I’ve always said Muh-TIE-us
Ma-thigh-us, I would say [name_m]Mattias[/name_m] or [name_m]Matias[/name_m] is ma-tee-us (like @fearlessfirefly said!)
I would assume muh-TIE-us or similar