May - Why isn't it used more?

I think [name]May[/name] is such a fresh, original choice - especially in the fn spot. Is there a reason we’re not seeing more of it? What are your thoughts of [name]May[/name] in the fn spot? Too bland? Too short? Personally, I think it’s fabulous, but I’m wanting some other perspectives.


I think [name]May[/name] is actually quite common? Especially in the middle name spot, or as a second place in a double-barrel first name - I know tons of [name]Lily[/name]-Mays, [name]Ellie[/name]-Mays, etc. I know one [name]Mae[/name] too, and I’d say 50% of the children under 5 that I know have the middle name [name]May[/name]/[name]Mae[/name].

I like it though, its cute.

[name]May[/name] is getting super common in the middle name spot or, down here in the south for sure, as a double barrel name. My own personally reason for not liking [name]May[/name] is that I just find it bland and bring. I love [name]Maybelle[/name] (just an alternate spelling of [name]Mabel[/name]) though :slight_smile:

I love [name]Mae[/name] as a first name. Its on my list, though not too near the top if I’m honest. I think its fresh, cute and classic. I think its quite unappreciated, and an absolute gem. I really love it.

I like [name]May[/name] (and [name]Mae[/name]) a lot. But I’ve noticed I have a hard time making combos with a 1-syllable first, and sometimes it feels unbalanced because our last name is 3 syllables.

A lot of people want a 1 syllable middle, ([name]Grace[/name], [name]Rose[/name]… [name]May[/name]…) and that necessitates a longer first. I think [name]May[/name] IS actually quite popular, but generally stuck in the middle?

I admit I myself like [name]Mae[/name]/[name]Jane[/name]/[name]Claire[/name] best as firsts, but tend to fall down on thinking of good middles for them.

Yeah, I know [name]May[/name] is extremely popular in the middle spot. An excellent “filler” name as it’s short and well-known. However, in the fn spot, (in the US,) it hasn’t been the top 1000 since 1982, when it was #959. [name]Just[/name] wondering why that might be…

I really like [name]May[/name] and I prefer that spelling because it reminds me of springtime. But, what I don’t love about the name is how it can make a name sound like a sentence. When I come up with combos in the back of my mind I’m thinking “[name]May[/name] what?” Like if the middle name is [name]Elizabeth[/name] for example, then it reads like a sentence “[name]May[/name] [name]Elizabeth[/name]…?”

I think [name]May[/name] isn’t used as much because it’s a common filler middle name. More and more parents want unique unheard of first names or Guilty Pleasure first names, which leaves poor unused [name]May[/name] in the dust.

I think it’s as simple as one-syllable first names not really being on trend, and all the [name]Maia[/name]/[name]Maya[/name]/[name]Mia[/name]/[name]Mya[/name] names eating up [name]May[/name]'s FN popularity instead.

[name]Jane[/name] and [name]Rose[/name] and [name]May[/name] - super frequently appear in birth announcements, but getting very rare to find as FNs.

I know a number of girls here in Australia named [name]May[/name] or [name]Mae[/name]. [name]Ruby[/name]-[name]Mae[/name] or [name]Emily[/name]-[name]May[/name] are also really really popular here!

I am not from US, Australia or UK, but when someone is making top 1000 names list (in these countries), does he/she include middle names?

I love [name]May[/name] or [name]Mae[/name]! My favorite combination is [name]Mae[/name] [name]Josephine[/name].

I love the idea of [name]May[/name] (or [name]June[/name], for that matter) in the first name spot! I’m sick of it in the middle though. It’s like [name]Jane[/name]…so expected as a middle name, but so fresh and sweet as a first name.

I see [name]Mae[/name] a lot in the middle spot. Not many actually [name]May[/name]'s anymore.

[name]Mae[/name] [name]Josephine[/name] is just adorable.

I don’t love [name]Mae[/name]/[name]May[/name] as a first or middle name but I guess if it had a family link I’d probably consider it. However, it does appear that every other little girl in the UK has the middle name of [name]May[/name], [name]Grace[/name] or [name]Rose[/name] so I’m getting tired of hearing of [name]Lily[/name]-[name]Mae[/name], [name]Ellie[/name]-[name]May[/name] etc.

I don’t know, but it is refreshing as a fn. People seem to love it in the mn spot, so like all the filler mn’s it will be unheard of as a fn. I never noticed the [name]Mae[/name]/[name]May[/name] trend until I got into the naming community this year. [name]One[/name] of my nieces has the mn [name]Mae[/name] but she is 14 so her mom was ahead of a lot of people I guess.

I think it would be nice to have in the first spot of a double name rather than the second, so instead of [name]Lily[/name]-[name]May[/name] you could have [name]May[/name]-[name]Elise[/name], [name]May[/name]-[name]Olivia[/name], [name]May[/name]-[name]Anna[/name]. The only thing I think is that it’s quite wordy even given it’s established name status so [name]May[/name] [name]Samantha[/name] could be read as may [name]Samantha[/name] come out sort of thing like it’s an incomplete sentence, if that makes sense.

I love [name]May[/name]. If I was Chinese, I’d spell it [name]Mei[/name]- but it looks weird if you use an obviously ethnic name and you’re not of that culture. I hate [name]May[/name] as a middle name.
My second favorite spelling is [name]Mae[/name].
Name combos that I cherish are [name]Mae[/name] [name]Alexandra[/name] and [name]Mae[/name] [name]Cordelia[/name].

I think it’s a lovely option for someone wanting something simple and a bit frilly, but still not too crazy and yet rather uncommon.

A lot of people shy away from the standard middle names of the 80’s and 90’s: [name]Ann[/name], [name]Marie[/name], [name]Lynn[/name], [name]Rose[/name], [name]Lee[/name], [name]Jean[/name], etc.

Though I do think [name]May[/name]/[name]Mae[/name] is one of the prettiest of the set.