Me and my husband really like the name [name]Maya[/name], my question is how would the majority of people pronouce it!? I said it like ‘[name]Mya[/name]’ and my husband says it how it is spelt. I like both versions but just wonder if we will constantly correcting peoples pronunciation of it!? What do you think? I am in the UK don’t know if that makes any difference to how people say it! Thanks in advance
The only way I’ve heard it pronounced is my-uh (like [name]Mya[/name]). I don’t think people will have a problem with pronunciation. It’s a popular enough name so most people are familiar with it and will know how to pronounce it, I believe.
My-ah for me too, like Mayan, minus the ‘n’. Most people will say My-ah, I think. It’s almost intuitive for anyone past 6th grade in the States (which is generally when Mayan culture comes up!) Gorgeous name! (I like [name]Maia[/name] too, but prefer [name]Maya[/name], I like letters below the line in a name).
I have a 9 month old named [name]Maya[/name] (pronounced my-ah). People do ask us quite a bit how it is pronounced. My father in law actually still pronounces it like may-ah about half of the time. sigh Most people do ok with it once we tell them how it’s pronounced, but we were surprised that so many people ask.
The first time I heard of [name]Maya[/name] was in the 90’s with the rising popularity of the poet [name]Maya[/name] [name]Angelou[/name]. And then with the pop singer [name]Mya[/name]. [name]Both[/name] women pronunce it “My-ah”. I never thought to pronunce it like “[name]May[/name]-a”. I think either way sounds fine. There must be transatlantic difference in the first “A” vowel as similarly found with the name [name]Tanya[/name]. When I lived in [name]England[/name], most times I heard [name]Tanya[/name] pronunced “[name]Tan[/name]-ya”, where in the states it mostly “Taun-ya” or “Ton-ya”.