
I have been looking everywhere for the meaning of both Afrella and Engelieth. My luck has been down on finding the meanings. I was able to find that Engelieth is Old English for the [name_m]German[/name_m] [name_u]Angel[/name_u], in reference to an Old [name_m]German[/name_m] battle. I’m not entirely for certain on the accuracy of that.

Also, I’m interested in how Engelieth is pronounced. I’m assuming that it is similar to the [name_m]French[/name_m] Ferelith, but assumptions get you into trouble. Any thoughts? Afrella is self explanatory, but I do know that it varies from an ella sound to a yuh sound in the end. Correct me if I am wrong, I am here to learn… :slight_smile:

I would pronounce Engelieth “En-[name_f]Jil[/name_f]-eeth”

That seems like a user friendly way to the name. It does make it sound MUCH prettier than the En-geh-leeth. Thank you for your help.