(I wasn’t sure what category to put this in, because this is quite possibly the first knitting pattern you all have been asked to name, but I am putting it in writers corner)
So. I am in the middle of designing a knitted hat pattern, and since I like names, I am thinking a lot about what it’s name is going to be. I want the name to have a meaning, and it doesn’t have to be particularly “name-y” (ok if it isn’t something you would use for a baby) the name would be either used by itself, or as “—— hat”
Here are some words and descriptions to inspire you.
[name_u]Light[/name_u]/evening light
[name_u]Lake[/name_u] (I am planning to photograph the hat next to one, at sunset)
[name_f]Delight[/name_f] (my favorite word)
I want the name to be prettily pronounced, and preferably mean something that is nice/positive or relates to one of my words above.
I have considered…
(Looking for feelings and feedback on these)
Isby (doesn’t mean anything, isn’t a name in nameberry, but is mentioned under [name_f]Thisbe[/name_f], and I like the sound, simplicity, softness, and not overly gender biased sounding. (It is a little more girly to me, and I am ok with that.)
[name_m]Calix[/name_m] (the first I found, but now I feel like it may have been used as a pattern name one too many times.)
Celise (like the sound, found when looking on Pinterest for calix, but has no good meaning)
Roseate/Aureate (roseate means rose colored or optimistic, which I love, and aureate means golden. These two are words that I like the meanings, but maybe not the sound, especially on aureate, Orr-ee-it)
[name_f]Lelita[/name_f] (like the sound/meaning, but not perfect/ excactly my style)
Meraki (again, a word, meaning doing something with soul, creativity, or love – when you put “something of yourself” into what you’re doing. [name_u]Love[/name_u] the meaning, but am not sure if I love-love it)
I am excited to see what you can come up with. Currently I like isby the most even though it isn’t a name with a meaning/ is an invented nickname.