What are some full names that would be plausible for the nickname Meggie? It can be a bit of a stretch. I prefer it to Maggie but overall Margaret isn’t my favourite name, I find it a bit too heavy. I don’t particularly like Megan either. I like Magdalen, which is pretty. What are some of your ideas?
I am a [name]Megan[/name] ( I take no offense to you not liking it, it is incredibly popular which sucks believe me). In my personal opinion I hate to be called [name]Meggie[/name] because it makes me feel like a five year old and I don’t think it necessarily lasts throughout the stages of life. I prefer [name]Meg[/name]. I think if you were to look for things that can be linked to [name]Meg[/name] you will find more possibilities, [name]IMO[/name].