
Good friends had a baby boy this week, named him Mennix, never heard it before… Thoughts?!

I’ve heard of [name]Mannix[/name] which I actually quite like a lot. I’m not sure I like this with the “e” instead of the “a”. I think [name]Mannix[/name] would make a great middle name. All though some could say it sounds like manic.

Hmm…I think that Mennix sounds like a new pharmaceutical product used to treat menstrual cramps.

Best wishes to your friend, though!

LOL… the first things I tgought of were Meningitis & Manic Depressive…
Hes adorable though, but definately not a name I would have chosen…

My husband hears “manic” too, that’s why we’ll never use it. “To treat menstrual cramps” LOL, [name]Jill[/name]. What I don’t like is when pharmaceutical companies take nice names like [name]Allegra[/name] and ruin them.

I thought at first it sounded like medicine but not the kind [name]Jill[/name] said. It’s weird how something can sound like a brand name of something and if you had to guess the product, everyone says medicine, and not car, or magazine, or electronics, or an educational toy. It sounds masculine to me, which I guess is a plus if it’s a name for a boy. Maybe a little too much testosterone, or maybe not enough (Men [name]Nix[/name]).

I didn’t think manic, more like medics. It’s one thing to call one boy [name]Manny[/name], but not Menny.

I hear you about taking beautiful names like [name]Allegra[/name] and slapping them on drugs. Ugh!

I can seriously imagine the Mennix commerical for cramps:

“Got menstrual cramps? [name]Nix[/name] 'em with brand new Mennix.”

As an aside, did you ever notice how the lovely, cheerful names that pharmaceutical companies give their drugs are in stark constrast to the list of horrid side-effects that are always read by the commercial’s narrator as tranquil music plays in the background?

Like Smilex (I made that up), which will undoubtedly have a list of side-effects that includes “sudden death,” “vomiting,” “hallucinations,” “weight gain,” “unwanted body hair,” and “the growth of a tail and third eye.”


I hear you about taking beautiful names like [name]Allegra[/name] and slapping them on drugs. Ugh!

I can seriously imagine the Mennix commercial for cramps:

“Got menstrual cramps? [name]Nix[/name] 'em with brand new Mennix!”

Did you ever notice how the lovely, cheerful names that pharmaceutical companies give their drugs are in stark constrast to the list of horrid side-effects that are always read by the commercial’s narrator as tranquil music plays in the background?

Like Smilex (I made that up), which will undoubtedly have a list of side-effects that includes “sudden death,” “vomiting,” “hallucinations,” “weight gain,” “unwanted body hair,” and “the growth of a tail and third eye.”


LOL, your killing me. Your absolutely right, a pretty name to cover up nasty side effects. [name]Even[/name] every day products have “pretty” names that become ordinary to our ears. Like mountain dew, oh how poetic but all I can think of is the soda beverage. Okay it’s not a name. [name]Ajax[/name] could be a “cool” name if it wasn’t already a cleaning product. It has mythological history to it, it’s like [name]Alex[/name] but not, is a great way to get [name]Jax[/name] as a nn but alas it’s a cleaning product. We actually named a cat we once had [name]Ajax[/name], full name [name]Ajax[/name] Sputnik Psycho [name]Kitty[/name]. It’s too bad we already used it, maybe [name]Ajax[/name] would have made a good middle name.

Haha! I love your kitty’s name!

More names I now associate with products, like [name]Ajax[/name]:

[name]Duncan[/name] (I still think it’s handsome, but I think of Dunkin’ Donuts now)
[name]Colby[/name] (cheese…not exactly a product)

What else?

Can’t say I like it…sounds off to me. [name]Kinda[/name] like a cat’s name actually lol

maybe just tryint to follow in 2 trends…

  1. unusual names
  2. names ending in ‘x’ ([name]MaddoX[/name], [name]PaX[/name], [name]KnoX[/name], [name]BronX[/name])

Maybelline - I love this name so much but dang make up company. I’m sure it was named after a woman named Maybelline, that’s not fact just assumption. I’m going to look it up now because I’m curious.

[name]Duncan[/name] - I’m was born on the west coast hubby was born on the east coast but I lived in MA for a while. We are both cazy that there isn’t a Dunkin Donut’s out here in [name]CA[/name].

Carvel would be a name I could see us slipping in the middle somewhere. We’re thankful we can find Carvel’s ice cream cakes on our birthday’s at the grocery stores.

[name]Avon[/name] - could have been a great alternative to [name]Ava[/name] :frowning:

[name]Ivory[/name] - [name]Ivy[/name] and [name]Emery[/name] meshed.

I love name [name]Maxine[/name] but can’t get passed [name]Maxi[/name] Pads.

[name]Maybel[/name] was the creator of Maybelline’s sister.

Aha! Good sleuthing, Disa. :slight_smile:

I wonder if Crisco ever would have been a name (along the lines of Cicso) if not for the shortening brand. Hmm…[name]Gillette[/name] also comes to mind.

Aha! Good sleuthing, Disa. :slight_smile:

I wonder if Crisco ever would have been a name (along the lines of Cicso) if not for the shortening brand. Hmm…[name]Gillette[/name] also comes to mind.[/quote]

Crisco and [name]Cisco[/name] are close. [name]Sirius[/name] is a name I like the sound of and the fact it’s the brightest star in the sky but can’t get passed [name]Sirius[/name] satellite radio. I think it would make a great mn.

I drink bottled water and on the bottle it says “By CG [name]Roxane[/name]” . I actually really like the way [name]Roxane[/name] looks and I’ve already loved the other variations of Rox - names. Too bad DH doesn’t like it.

[name]Corona[/name] - could have potential if it wasn’t a beer.