What kind of person do you picture?
I’m picturing someone with an exotic look to them, but when it comes to personality I’m stumped!
What kind of person do you picture?
I’m picturing someone with an exotic look to them, but when it comes to personality I’m stumped!
[name]Person[/name] who is open, classy, nice, smart…
I associate names and words with colors. [name]Zara[/name] [name]Charlotte[/name] brings to mind a cinnamon color which translates to family oriented, thoughtful, and honest.
[name]Zara[/name] is sassy and self-assured, and can be holier-than-thou. She devours books and can’t help but judge people who prefer TV or video games. She rolls her eyes when people say her name as to rhyme with “[name]Sarah[/name],” and pointedly corrects them: “zah-rah, like [name]Mara[/name].”
I’m totally picturing an English girl. Maybe something like [name]Kate[/name] Middleton but not as pretty. Reserved, although I have been hearing the name a lot lately and the last girl was 20 something, blonde and very pretty. A little wild…so who knows!
^^^The blonde girl was just [name]Zara[/name] not [name]Zara[/name] [name]Charlotte[/name]…
[name]Zara[/name] [name]Charlotte[/name] is such a sweet combo! I love it. A lot of people seem to see [name]Zara[/name] as exotic, but I don’t, really, haha. I imagine [name]Zara[/name] (especially a [name]Zara[/name] [name]Charlotte[/name]) to be a sweet little English girl with blond hair and blue eyes, a bit demure, who loves to wear dresses and totally laps up the affection of the adults around her.
Me either, maybe it’s just the Z?
I think it’s a great name. I picture someone European, possibly a bit snobbish or standoffish.
@yellow - I think it’s because it’s a Persian (?) name? All that exotic beauty and such. But honestly, my strongest associations are [name]Zara[/name] [name]Phillips[/name] and the clothing store, neither of which seem that exotic to me, haha. It does have a very English/British vibe to me, though, thanks to [name]Zara[/name] [name]Phillips[/name].
Beautiful, feminine, princess, I really like it.
I picture a pale brunette, “country-club” type of girl.
Well, the first thing I noticed was that the two names rhyme and I don’t like them paired for that reason.
However, I like the feel of the combo a lot. [name]Zara[/name] has a tendency to sound a bit cheap when paired with the wrong name (I love [name]Zara[/name] though), so I like it paired with something sleek and stylish, which makes [name]Zara[/name] itself seem sleek and stylish.
[name]Zara[/name] [name]Catherine[/name], [name]Zara[/name] [name]Juliet[/name], [name]Zara[/name] [name]Magdalen[/name], [name]Zara[/name] [name]Louisa[/name], [name]Zara[/name] [name]June[/name], [name]Zara[/name] [name]Frances[/name], etc.
The image that comes to my mind when I hear [name]Zara[/name] is the character on Peep Show. So, I definately get a British vibe. Also, the character is a lover of books and French film… and is insanely gorgeous, so there is all that in my mind as well. The character is played by [name]Camilla[/name] Beeput, so that is the exact mental image I get.