Add 1,000 years; roll below!
It’s time for the next gen to start!
Roll a [d10] for each child; even = married, odd = single
For the first marriage…
If you battled an Ocean and WON, at least one partner from that ocean will marry into the family. If not applicable to your family, apply the rules for the second marriage below.
NAME RULES: your ocean fn, partner ocean mn, your ocean ln
For the second marriage…
If you visited an Ocean in the last round, that Ocean is where at least one partner will come from to your family. If not applicable to your family, apply the rules for the third marriage below.
NAME RULES: gender of child matches gender of parent’s names, hyphen last name if the mom is from the southern ocean, all girls will use the southern ocean namebank
For the third marriage…
If you battled an Ocean and LOST, at least one partner will take a child to their ocean and family (if you’re in the Pacific and lost to the Atlantic, one child will have to move to the Atlantic). If not applicable to your family, roll below.
NAME RULES: partner ocean fn, your ocean mn, partner ocean ln
For the fourth marriage and so on…
Roll any dice: even=married within own ocean; odd=married a different ocean.
If odd roll above, roll a [d6] to see which Ocean the partner comes from.
1: Arctic
2: Atlantic
3: Pacific
4: Indian
5: Southern
6: your choice!
NAME RULES: the name rules from above (first marriage-third marriage) still apply. If marrying to an ocean you haven’t battled or visited, dealers choice on name rules and last names.
Now, roll a [d10] to see how many years ago they were married (1=100 years ago, 10=1,000 years ago, and so on). If they would’ve been younger than 500 years old at the time of being married, roll again.
If married, roll a [d10] for the number of hundred years they were married to see if they had a kid that year (if been married for 500 years, roll the dice 5 times).
Even=a kid; Odd=no kid.
Gender: Even=girl; Odd=boy.
Partner’s Names
1: 14 Names That Mean North | Nameberry Except Antarctica
2: White Snow And Icy Names | Nameberry
3: The Most Common Christmas Names: Carol and Virginia | Nameberry
4: a cold place you have visited
1: English Names of the 1500s - scroll for charts with names
2: Unisex Names Across the Atlantic | Nameberry
3: a greek mythology name
4: Western African Names - Behind the Name
1: Sanskrit Origin Names - Behind the Name
2: Names That Mean Small, Little, or Tiny | Nameberry
3: Warm names | Nameberry
4: after an aquatic animal or plant
1: 130+ Names That Mean Peace - All Names | Nameberry
2: a character from Finding Nemo
3: 38 Names That Mean Mountain - All Names | Nameberry
4: Japanese Baby Names Have International Appeal | Nameberry
1: 11 Names That Mean South | Nameberry
2: 28 Names That Mean Powerful | Nameberry
3: Gemstone & Metal Names | Nameberry
4: relating to Antarctic Animals
Partner Last Names
Arctic: Laptev, Chukchi, Kara, Barents, Svalbard, Jan Mayen, Hudson, Beaufort, Amundsen, White, Pechora, Lincoln, Victoria, Gustaf, Wandel
Atlantic: Sargasso, Labrador, Irminger, Baffin, Black, Baltic, Libyan, Levantine, Tyrrhenian, Biscay, James, Bothnian, Sidra, Azov, Campeche, Lion, Marmarra, Waden
Indian: Bengal, Andaman, Laccadive, Timor, Red, Aden, Flores, Molucca, Oman, Bight, Aqaba, Kutch, Suez, Hormuz
Pacific: Coral, Tasman, Okhotsk, Grau, Solomon, Banda, Arafura, Timor, Yellow, Java, Carpenteria, Celebes, Sulu, Halmahera, Bohai, Savu, Seto, Tayabas
Southern: Weddel, Haakon, Riiser-Larson, Cosmonauts, Cooperation, Davis, Mawson, Dumont D’Urville, Ross, Amundsen, Bellingshausen, Drake, Bransfield
Children Names
1: an honor name
2: White Snow And Icy Names | Nameberry
3: The Most Common Christmas Names: Carol and Virginia | Nameberry
4: a cold place you have visited
5: Animal Names for Babies | Nameberry
6: Buyer Beware: Fictional Villain Names | Nameberry
1: English Names of the 1500s - scroll for charts with names
2: Unisex Names Across the Atlantic | Nameberry
3: a greek mythology name
4: Western African Names - Behind the Name
5: an honor name
6: Rocky, Stony Baby Names: Jasper, Piers and Cole | Nameberry
1: Sanskrit Origin Names - Behind the Name
2: Names That Mean Small, Little, or Tiny | Nameberry
3: Warm names | Nameberry
4: after an aquatic animal or plant
5: Australian Baby Names: Digging Up Names From Down Under | Nameberry
6: an honor name
1: 130+ Names That Mean Peace - All Names | Nameberry
2: Dog Names That Mean Blue
3: 38 Names That Mean Mountain - All Names | Nameberry
4: Japanese Baby Names Have International Appeal | Nameberry
5: an honor name
6: Category:Films set in the Pacific Ocean - Wikipedia a character name from these movies
1: 11 Names That Mean South | Nameberry
2: 28 Names That Mean Powerful | Nameberry
3: Gemstone & Metal Names | Nameberry
4: relating to Antarctic Animals
5: an honor name
6: Science Fiction Baby Names | Nameberry