One more thing, I don’t think the two middle names thing is that big of a deal. I have a middle name (after my mother) but my two sisters have no middle name. I’ve asked them about it and they’ve said they’ve never felt slighted at all by the matter. I guess everyone is different but I doubt [name]Annabel[/name] will mind. But if you are worried about it, I like the pp’s idea of giving [name]Annabel[/name] another middle.
If that’s the case, I’d go for [name]Violet[/name] [name]Ramona[/name]. She has her own first name, but it’s influenced by [name]Viola[/name], which is beautiful, btw. And her middle name is after her grandmother.
And then for a boy, I think [name]Owen[/name] [name]Ramon[/name] works great. Again, he has his own name (in honor of a family surname…which is where my husband’s middle name came from) and [name]Ramon[/name] is still in honor of his grandmother. [name]Both[/name] [name]Violet[/name] and [name]Owen[/name] fit well with [name]Caleb[/name] and [name]Annabel[/name].
One of my sister’s has 4 daughters: [name]Elizabeth[/name] [name]Marie[/name] (who goes by [name]Beth[/name]), [name]Brittany[/name] [name]Renee[/name], [name]Sierra[/name] [name]Audrey[/name], and finally (born in [name]December[/name]) [name]Emilee[/name] [name]Justine[/name] [name]Matty[/name]. Her last daughter got 3 names because a very close friend of her father killed himself shortly before she was born, so they added [name]Matty[/name] to her name in honor of [name]Matthew[/name]. So I’d say it’s definitely okay.
My little sister is the youngest of 6 in a your’s, mine, and our’s, and she has 3 names courtesy of being adopted from [name]China[/name]. She’s [name]Reese[/name] [name]Maleah[/name] KaiJin (which is her Chinese name). She’s the only one of 6 with 3 names. It’s definitely reasonable when circumstances change.