Middle name down! First names we like are getting stranger and stranger

Thank you all for your advice on naming our son [name]David[/name] after his great-grandfather! We have decided to use [name]David[/name] as a middle name!

I really appreciate all of your thoughts and time as we have been on this naming adventure! We don’t have a list of first names anymore, which makes this process extremely frustrating. We seem to find one name at a time that we like, think hard about it for a few days, and then decide if we like it or not. The outcome is dreadful as we have NO names for our son (although, DH will not let go of [name]Shepherd[/name]).

I truly hope I’m not overstepping my time on the boards here, or annoying anyone, because I desperately need to find names and I value your opinions more than you know. We have 3 months to go and I’ve been searching since before conception. I’m beginning to wonder if our son will ever be named!

[name]Dante[/name] was a favorite, until we decided on [name]David[/name] as a middle. [name]Dante[/name] [name]David[/name] is not flying with us. [name]Henry[/name] and [name]Leo[/name] are great but we both feel as though they are huge compromises on both of our sides - neither one of us really likes them too much. I like [name]Knox[/name] but it’s too trendy, and DH thinks there is too much teasing potential. DH hates [name]Anders[/name] with a passion :frowning: and he refuses to use [name]Oliver[/name] with our last name ([name]Olson[/name]).

So I went a different route this time around. I have an exotic/hippy-ish side with girl names (I wanted this baby to be [name]Winter[/name] [name]Sophia[/name], [name]Sparrow[/name] [name]Kate[/name], or [name]Saskia[/name] [name]Jane[/name] - if a girl) and now I am exploring it for boy names! What do you think of the name [name]Kodiak[/name], nn [name]Koda[/name]. I love [name]Koda[/name], and DH would be okay with that if the full name was [name]Kodiak[/name]. I like the exotic/hippy vibe, but can’t really find much about this name. Also, the overall impressions I’ve been able to find seem grim.


First of all, it’s not possible to overstep your time on these boards. :slight_smile: We are all on here because we love playing with words and sounds, and we love answering questions and giving advice about names. Completely voluntary on our part, and if it weren’t for people asking questions about names likes those you’ve posted, we’d get bored. :wink:

As for [name]Shepherd[/name], you should point out to your husband that [name]Shepherd[/name] [name]David[/name] would have a problem with the D’s running together, making it sound like Shepherdavid. I [name]LOVE[/name] the idea of [name]Kodiak[/name]. I like all those wintery words: [name]Tundra[/name], Klondike, Alaska, [name]Kodiak[/name], Borealis, Yukon, etc. I love the imagery they elicit. I wouldn’t use most of them as names, but [name]Kodiak[/name] is usable if you are brave enough, in my opinion. The nickname [name]Koda[/name] gives him a more familiar-sounding option to use with his friends. I think [name]Kodiak[/name] [name]David[/name] would be pretty cool, to be honest.

I think [name]Kodiak[/name] nn [name]Koda[/name] is doable. I have a friend named Kota which is a similar sound and that works just fine.

According to Wikipedia, [name]Kodiak[/name] is a Russian word that means “island”. I like the word, but I don’t think I could use it for a child. There are too many things that are already called [name]Kodiak[/name] -although if you are in a warmer climate, they might not be as common. Here, I first think of a warm winter sock brand -they also make warm winter work boots. There’s also the bear, the city in Alaska, the camera company, the power tool company, etc.

If you use a word like [name]Kodiak[/name] as a name, I think you should have a good reason for doing so & not just because you like the sound of the word. :slight_smile:

I agree there is no way you can overstep.

I think [name]Kodiak[/name] [name]David[/name] would be cute. [name]Kodiak[/name] is nms because it reminds me too much of Kodak film but luckily most people don’t use actual film-stock anymore so I doubt that’s an association his classmates and he will make.

I also thought of all the brands that use [name]Kodiak[/name], but if that doesn’t bother you, I think its a great name. I always thought it was Native American (I’m probably wrong though) because of the place name and I met a Native American man with the name but he goes by the nn [name]Kody[/name].