Middle name for Ainsley?

My husband LOVES the name [name]Ainsley[/name] for our daughter, and after a lot of looking around, I think I’m on board with him. My two biggest hesitations with using this name are: 1) our surname is also two syllables and ends with the “ee” sound 2) [name]Ainsley[/name] doesn’t easily supply a nickname (other than [name]Lee[/name], I suppose). I’m looking for a middle name that has a different sound and has potential for a cute nickname. Ideas?

I don’t know if I would go ahead with [name]Ainsley[/name] if my last name was also two syllables and ends with an EE sound. That has the potential to sound kind of cartoon-ish.

If you are set on [name]Ainsley[/name], though, here are some middle name ideas:

[name]Ainsley[/name] [name]Cordelia[/name] (its long, and you have [name]Corrie[/name] and [name]Cora[/name] and [name]Delia[/name] as nickname options)
[name]Ainsley[/name] [name]Madeleine[/name]
[name]Ainsley[/name] [name]Victoria[/name]
[name]Ainsley[/name] [name]Natalia[/name]
[name]Ainsley[/name] [name]Juliet[/name]
[name]Ainsley[/name] [name]Catharina[/name]
[name]Ainsley[/name] [name]Michaela[/name]
[name]Ainsley[/name] [name]Francesca[/name]
[name]Ainsley[/name] [name]Vivienne[/name]
[name]Ainsley[/name] [name]Rebeca[/name]
[name]Ainsley[/name] [name]Valentina[/name]
[name]Ainsley[/name] [name]Daniella[/name]

I tried to go for things that were longer and gave potential nicknames.

As an alternative to [name]Ainsley[/name], have you thought of [name]Aislin[/name]? It’s got a similar feel, but I think it might solve your worry about the first and last name ending with the same sound. (It’s pronounced ash-lin)

I think [name]Lilo[/name] is one of the cuter nicknames incorporating [name]Lee[/name] out there, although [name]Lindsay[/name] Lohan has made it a little harder to wear depending on your taste. [name]Ainsley[/name] [name]Louisa[/name] or [name]Ainsley[/name] anything with a LO gets you there, I suppose. I can see [name]Annie[/name] by a stretch, [name]Lainey[/name] by a stretch, Sia by a stretch, by the way.

All best!