DH and I have agreed and settled on [name]Archer[/name] and [name]Honora[/name] as our top boy / girl choices (nn [name]Archie[/name] & [name]Nora[/name]). (We have [name]Calvin[/name] / [name]Gabriel[/name] and [name]Ingrid[/name] / [name]Opal[/name] as back ups). With [name]Archer[/name], it’ll be [name]Archer[/name] on the birth certificate, but [name]Archie[/name] on the birth announcement, soccer sign ups, and how he’ll be introduced unless he decides otherwise. Our middle name stance: we want something that honors a person / place important in our lives. We have a lot of possible honorees, and they’re all sort of at the same level. As in, we’re looking for the combo with the best sound / flow, and we’ll be happy with whomever that honors.
[name]Archer[/name] ____ [name]Scott[/name]:
[name]Archer[/name] [name]Lyman[/name] (DH’s uncle - they are very close)
[name]Archer[/name] [name]Roman[/name] (my cousin aka my BFF is named [name]Romain[/name]. but, both archer and roman are word names…so not sure if i’m ok with that. plus, his initials would be ARS. too close to “arse” which I believe means “ass” in maybe [name]German[/name]?)
[name]Archer[/name] [name]John[/name]-[name]Francis[/name] (maternal grandfather)
[name]Archer[/name] [name]Paul[/name] / [name]Paolo[/name] (DH’s best friend is named [name]Paul[/name] [name]Julian[/name] Maxian (pn mack-SEE-an). he will also be the child’s godfather. I think [name]Paul[/name] is a little boring / old, but I like [name]Paolo[/name]. Also, when I was in high school, I lived for a summer in Chile with an exchange family. This trip made me fall in love with South [name]America[/name], where I eventually met DH. The mother’s name was [name]Paola[/name], and she was one of the driving forces for my love of the country.)
[name]Archer[/name] [name]Julian[/name]
[name]Archer[/name] [name]Maxfield[/name] (anything with [name]Max[/name] would honor [name]Paul[/name], and I really like [name]Jill[/name]'s suggestion of [name]Maxfield[/name]).
[name]Archer[/name] [name]John[/name]-[name]Paolo[/name] (honoring both DH’s BFF and my grandpa)
[name]Archer[/name] [name]Bowen[/name] (DH’s name is [name]Owen[/name]. I believe [name]Bowen[/name] means “son of [name]Owen[/name]”?)
[name]Archer[/name] [name]William[/name] (my paternal grandfather)
[name]Archer[/name] Temuco (Temuco = where DH and I met. A city in southern Chile)
That’s it for the boys. Sorry its so long and complicated.
[name]Honora[/name] ____ [name]Scott[/name]:
[name]Honora[/name] [name]Nathalie[/name] (my momma)
[name]Honora[/name] [name]Elizabeth[/name] (DH’s momma)
[name]Honora[/name] [name]Ingrid[/name] (we just like [name]Ingrid[/name] and [name]Honora[/name] already honors [name]Paris[/name])
[name]Honora[/name] [name]Wilhelmine[/name]/a (grandpa)
[name]Honora[/name] [name]Frances[/name] (grandpa)
[name]Honora[/name] [name]Juliet[/name] (honors [name]Paul[/name] by way of his middle name [name]Julian[/name])
[name]Honora[/name] [name]Maxime[/name]
That’s it for the girls. Middle name suggestions are welcome with [name]Honora[/name] since the fn already is honoring [name]Paris[/name], so we could just use a name with like / that sounds good in the middle. (if you can think of something a little weird / edgy / different, that’d be really cool. since my name was odd / a bit hard to live with, I didn’t want to give either of my children something similar as first names…but I might consider for the middle)
~ [name]Olympia[/name]