Middle Name For Calista

Help us choose the best one! :ok_hand:t3:We are set on Calista. 🫶🏼 My fiancé is closer to his mom’s side, so he would like to honor his maternal grandmother Vita. I love his dad’s side of the family since they remind me a lot of my mom’s side of the family & love the name Carmen, who is my fiancé’s paternal grandmother’s name. What should we do?

Other names we have considered are:

Cataleya Carmen N. nn Cece
Carmen Vita N. nn Cammie Vee
Vita Carmen N. nn Vee

  • Calista Carmen N. nn Cece
  • Calista Vita N. nn Callie Vee
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[name_f]Calista[/name_f] [name_u]Carmen[/name_u] flows best to me.

(Calista [name_f]Carmelita[/name_f] came to mind as a blend of both)

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Thank you! I actually love [name_f]Calista[/name_f] [name_f]Carmelita[/name_f]. :heart: Together it means, “Most [name_f]Beautiful[/name_f] Vineyard Of God”.