[name]Leland[/name] (blank) Gross. I do appreciate you honoring your family. It seems like the middle name is a bit of a filler with [name]Jacob[/name], [name]Ryan[/name], and [name]Scott[/name] though. You’ve got a 2-?-1 syllable count and it would be more interesting if you went with a 3 syllable middle name to mix it up and have it less monotone. (See the 1st link in my signature for an explanation.) Also, it’s a good thing your middle name choices start with consonants since vowels would give you a word (LAG, LEG, etc.)
I do not consider any of them filler names because they are all meaningful, family names, especially my husband’s FN and MN. Yes, we had to rule out [name]Eugene[/name] and [name]Edward[/name], both family names, to avoid LEG! haha. [name]Leland[/name] is my late grandfather’s name, which we consider unusual. I like the more common names paired with it. Thanks for the 3 syllable suggestion, definitely something to think about.
[name]Leland[/name] [name]Scott[/name] flows most smoothly to my ears. [name]Leland[/name] [name]Ryan[/name] sounds a little repetitive with the “ən” sound.