[name]Lemon[/name]- I have considered doing all one-syllable R names for second middles since [name]Rowe[/name], [name]Rose[/name] and [name]Ruth[/name] are all such special names for us. But I’ve tried to find others and really don’t like anything else. If it happens that we end up using those I won’t worry about continuing the theme with future children since the meaning of the names is what’s important, not the matchiness.
I’m not sold on [name]Margo[/name] [name]Cecilia[/name] [name]Ruth[/name]. See, I’m sure I’ve discussed this here before, but [name]Ruth[/name] is the middle name of one of [name]Chris[/name]’ grandmothers and the first of the other. Their other names are [name]Mary[/name] and [name]Elizabeth[/name]. I [name]ADORE[/name] both [name]Mary[/name] and [name]Elizabeth[/name], and I don’t much care for [name]Ruth[/name]. [name]Mary[/name] has the added bonus of the fact that both my sister-in-laws middle names are [name]Marie[/name] and [name]Dash[/name] also shares middle names with both his uncles, so I think that’d be a nice thing. [name]Elizabeth[/name] is also a few special people on my mom’s side, and my mom’s favorite name. [name]Do[/name] you see my dilemma? I’d much rather use [name]Elizabeth[/name] and [name]Mary[/name] than [name]Ruth[/name], even thought [name]Ruth[/name] would kill two birds with one stone. I hope to have at least 2 girls though, so hopefully I’ll get to use both. And then I’ve decided that I’d rather honor my great-grandmothers than my mom or grandmother. I think using their names would be very special to my mom and grandma. They are [name]Cecilia[/name] and Lulette. So I’ve got [name]Mary[/name], [name]Elizabeth[/name], [name]Cecilia[/name] and Lulette and I have to make them fit.
I’m very much set on [name]Margo[/name] as a first name. I’ve long loved her and my husband just decided he likes her too. I think it is the perfect name for us. I may change my mind as I usually do, but for now I’m planning on having a [name]Margo[/name], she combines my favorite things about many of my favorites and has the exact right feel I want. Right now for a sister I’m thinking [name]Bridget[/name]. It was my favorite name when I was a kid and I’m loving it again. I’m still not totally set though. I’d like something that starts with B and [name]Beatrix[/name] is my next favorite. I also love [name]Elizabeth[/name] nn [name]Betsey[/name], but [name]Chris[/name] doesn’t like [name]Elizabeth[/name] as a first name .
So anyway. Options:
[name]Margo[/name] [name]Elizabeth[/name] [name]Cecilia[/name]
[name]Margo[/name] [name]Elizabeth[/name] Lulette*
[name]Margo[/name] [name]Mary[/name] [name]Cecilia[/name]
[name]Margo[/name] [name]Mary[/name] Lulette
[name]Margo[/name] [name]Cecilia[/name] [name]Mary[/name]*
[name]Margo[/name] Lulette [name]Mary[/name]
[name]Margo[/name] [name]Cecilia[/name] [name]Elizabeth[/name]
[name]Margo[/name] Lulette [name]Elizabeth[/name]
So I quite like [name]Margo[/name] [name]Cecilia[/name] [name]Mary[/name]. So that leaves [name]Elizabeth[/name] Lulette or Lulette [name]Elizabeth[/name] for a second girl. But [name]Bridget[/name] Lulette [name]Elizabeth[/name]? [name]Bridget[/name] [name]Elizabeth[/name] Lulette?
[name]Margo[/name] [name]Cecilia[/name] [name]Mary[/name]
[name]Bridget[/name] [name]Elizabeth[/name] Lulette
What do you think? Can you think of other girls names for me along the lines of [name]Margo[/name]? Especially starting with B. Brothers names are pretty much set in stone:
[name]Dashiell[/name] [name]David[/name] [name]Rowe[/name] “[name]Dash[/name]”
[name]Lincoln[/name] [name]William[/name] Warfield “[name]Link[/name]”
[name]Griffin[/name] [name]Christopher[/name] [name]Cloud[/name] “[name]Finn[/name]”
Oh, nicknames for [name]Margo[/name] will be [name]Goldie[/name] and [name]Pearl[/name], [name]Bridget[/name] is [name]Birdie[/name].
Ok, sorry for the crazy long post!!! Thanks in advance to anyone who reads this and comments!