Middle name help and opinion on Elena vs Olivia

Longer/less common (and more normal) middle names:
For uh-LAY-nuh:
Elena Jubilee
Elena June
Elena Jacqueline (all of these J names go so well)
Elena Martinique (VERY random, but goes nicely)
Elena Mattie
Elena Isobel
Elena Katrine
Elena Sophie
Elena Angeline
Elena Bree
Elena Juliet (Or Elena Jules)
Elena Jeanine (I hate this name because of a character from a book but it sounds really pretty)
Elena Jean
Elena Melody
Elena Natalie

EH-leh-nuh middle names:
Elena Jubilee
Elena June
Elena Joy
Elena Jacqueline
Elena Martinique
Elena Angeline (I Love it with this pronunciation)
Elena Cove (Saw Cove on another thread)
Elena Lise
Elena Bree (insert heart emoji :slight_smile:)
Elena Juliet (Or Elena Jules)
Elena Jeanine
Elena Jean
Elena Bridget (love love love this name)
Elena Violet

Sorry to keep responding, but Elena Juniper would be PERFECT!!!

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I love Elena!!
My favorite from your list is Elena Ruby! It’s such a versatile name that I feel like most middles flow nicely.

Some other ideas:
Elena Carmen
Elena Hope
Elena Marie
Elena Valentina

Definitely Elena. I like Elena Ruth and Elena Ruby!