middle name help and thoughts on compromising/name regret

See the results of this poll: Which middle name for Jack?

Respondents: 26 (This poll is closed)

  • Jack Hawthorne : 18 (69%)
  • Jack Henry: 8 (31%)

My first son’s name was definitely a compromise. [name]Alexander[/name] was nowhere on any of my lists. :slight_smile: I don’t regret it at all – it’s a perfect name for him and I love it so much now. But it took a lot of my other favorite names off the table because they wouldn’t have matched with the style of [name]Alexander[/name]. My second child was named after her great-grandmothers, so that was an easy one. Had a lot of trouble naming #3, though. [name]Genevieve[/name] was a compromise name, too, and I had a really hard time settling into it. I kind of had name regret for probably the first year of her life. But now I think it’s a great name for her.

[name]Jack[/name] is a fantastic name – adorable on a baby or little boy and ages very well, too. I wish I could help on the middle name – [name]Hawthorne[/name] and [name]Henry[/name] are both great choices. I do have to say that I never expected to have four children – I thought we would only have two. So we used our two great-grandmothers’ names for our first daughter. I was sorry, then, when we were expecting another girl because I would have loved to call her [name]Esther[/name]. So maybe if there is a chance you will have another boy, you might at that point be able to convince your hubby to use [name]Henry[/name]? My hubby is considering a lot of names for baby #4 that he would have completely rejected with babies #1 and #2. For that reason, I am voting for [name]Hawthorne[/name] and hoping maybe you will have a future [name]Henry[/name] someday!

shieldsc- thanks for your response. It’s really nice to hear about other people’s experiences going through something similar. I am not very good at compromising when it comes to naming my child! And I have a tendency to obsess over my baby’s names for the entire pregnancy and months after they are born… Name regret has happened before with me and I worry about it happening again. But with my oldest it did fade in time. I think right now it’s a lot of hormones and nerves factoring into my name indecision, and hopefully in time whatever we choose will feel right.
Also just wanted to say, for what it’s worth, I love all your kids’ names- [name]Genevieve[/name] was one of our top choices if this baby was a girl. I think it’s such a beautiful name.
And I am 98% sure that this is our last baby so most likely there won’t be a little [name]Henry[/name]. But I guess you never know! :slight_smile: Thank you again for your helpful response.

I like [name_m]Jack[/name_m] [name_m]Hawthorne[/name_m], because I like the pairing of a familiar classic ([name_m]Jack[/name_m]) with a lesser-used middle ([name_m]Hawthorne[/name_m]). Good luck!

What did you end up naming your new little one? I really like both combinations, it would be too hard to choose one over the other!

not sure about [name_m]Jack[/name_m] or [name_u]August[/name_u] still?

my sister ended up changing her daughters middle name after she was born, it was a honor name, but it just didnt feel right or fit her.

if you go this route:

try [name_m]JACKSON[/name_m] OR [name_m]AUGUSTIN[/name_m], i love these ‘dressed up’ versions, plus you can always use nicknames.

think [name_m]Hawthorne[/name_m] works best with both, [name_m]Henry[/name_m] is just ok with [name_m]Jack[/name_m]/son, [name_u]August[/name_u]/in it doesnt flow or has double ‘n’ sounds which i didnt like