Middle name preferences

What sort of names would you most like to have as a middle name? I know it depends on the first and last names, but which are you most drawn to in general or do you wish your name was more like?

  • short (1 or 2 syllables)
  • long (3+ syllables)
  • common
  • rare
  • classic
  • retro
  • modern
  • family name
  • pretty
  • quirky

0 voters

Which middle name would you rather have?
  • Pretty, but common name (Elizabeth)
  • Quirky family name (Marjean)

0 voters

I definitely love quirky names in the middle! I think it’s the perfect place for braver favourites or fun family names.

I tend to prefer longer middles but that may well be because my favourite first names tend to be on the shorter side.

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For me, since my favourite first names are more unique and short, I prefer something a little more classic

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The last poll was definitely interesting to me. Tbh I really don’t like either name but decided that since over half my friends have the middle name [name_f]Elizabeth[/name_f], I’d rather be unique with M@rjean, even if it’s a name I really don’t like.

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I like all kinds of middle names. However, because my taste in first names tends to be simple and understated, the middle is the perfect spot for longer, more unusual, or offbeat family names (of which there’s some fun ones)! I have a long, unusual family name in the middle. It feels too grand for me to wear every day, which makes it suited to the middle spot. That being said, I do consider very traditional/common middle names, especially if they’re family names.

I also adore Marjean for you and in general!

[name_f]Pretty[/name_f] but common because my middle name is both of those things and I love it

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Idk if it’s because I have a short surname but I like the flow of 1-2 syllables for the first name, 3-4 syllables for the mn, and 1-2 syllables for the last name. I need to clean up and redo my UC but most of my favorite combos that I seriously consider using tend to follow this pattern

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