Need middle name suggestions for our top two girl names they are set in stone so not looking for any suggestions as far as first names go I know they are long smush names but that’s our style we just need middle names that compliment our choices.
[name]Jean[/name] is a family name if I’m going go with something short do you think AnnaSophia [name]Jean[/name] sounds cute?
Mariangela is the tougher of the two for me but its a family name so we are set on it I like [name]Rose[/name] but I feel like its kind of a filler middle i want something that flows really well and sounds beautiful. Thank your for your suggestions jesba I like [name]Kate[/name] and [name]Hope[/name] as an option from your list
[name]Just[/name] for fun immsure I’d have a heck of a time getting Dh to agree what about Mariangela [name]Love[/name] it think it rolls off the tongue nicely Dh really doesn’t care for middle names at all ( he doesn’t have one) so I’m thinking maybe I could get away with it. Would sister AnnaSophia [name]Jean[/name] be jealous not to have a middle name that’s whimsical like [name]Love[/name]?
I think it sounds cute, though I have a personal negative association with the idea that would cause me pause. I know a young teenage girl with the surname [name]Love[/name], and though she is adorable and I love her, she has gone [name]Emo[/name] in recent years, smoking and cutting, and has changed her Facebook name from [let’s say [name]Kayla[/name]] [name]Love[/name] to [name]Kayla[/name] Hate. That shouldn’t stop you from using it, but if Mariangela ever goes through a wild stage, she may do the same with her middle name. Clever teenage stuff. You may also like the ideas of: