Middle name switch

Hi all,

Has anyone ever switched to calling their children by their middle name? At what age and was it confusing?


[name_f]My[/name_f] granny went by her middle name. She was elementary school age and decided she didn’t like her first name (varying stories as to why), so she chose what she wanted to be known as. I’ve been told people adjusted fairly quickly, with only a few reminders needed. She went by her MN the rest of her life, only using L. Je@nne for legal purposes and any and all paperwork. [name_m]Even[/name_m] her pastor of 40 years had no clue her MN wasn’t her FN when preparing for her memorial service. Her family and childhood (long term) friends did know what her full name was.

ETA: she moved from her hometown after getting married and then again to the town where she lived the next 50 years of her life give or take, so she was able to control what name people called her without any questions.

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