We have a boy’s name picked out, now we just need help finding a middle name that works! We picked [name]Gaius[/name] (pron [name]Guy[/name]-us), it means rejoice in latin.
[name]Gaius[/name] ( ? ) “last name-3 syllable ending with er”
Any suggestions? I like ones that end in ‘n’ or ‘m’
I like [name]Gaius[/name] [name]Thurston[/name] and [name]Gaius[/name] [name]Willem[/name]. I usually like fn and mn to have a different number of syllables, but both of those options work.
Because you haven’t named your baby yet, I just want to mention that although I love Latin/anceint names, I can totally (and unfortunately) see “[name]Gaius[/name]” being mispronounced as “gay-us” throughout your son’s life, both on purpose in school for teasing purposes, as well as accidentally by people who simply read it as gay-us. I knew of someone named [name]Gay[/name] who was teased, and the same goes for [name]Gaia[/name].
Edited to add: Have you thought about [name]Caius[/name], which is also Latin for “rejoice”?
I thought about people pronouncing it “[name]Gay[/name]-us”, and although the school kid scenario won’t be as bad because we homeschool/unschool, it would be hard to correct. But, I have had to correct everyone on my name and I still love it.
Maybe it could be spelled more “American” to help the pron?
Guyus Geius
Gaeus Gius
Guyous Gious
And I don’t think it would be too horrible as [name]Gay[/name]-us, as it means joyful as well. If people want to make fun of your name, they will find a way no matter what. My name is Aadel (pronouned Uh-del) and for years I was known as Deldo, Dill pickle, Dellywhopper, or [name]Farmer[/name] in the [name]Dell[/name]. You just get used to it, and get used to ignoring it.
I think your name is very pretty. If you’re not bothered by the potential mispronunciation, that’s what matters. I just wanted to mention it, just in case it was something you hadn’t thought about!
If you don’t mind the pronunciation issue, I’d personally stick with the authentic spelling, [name]Gaius[/name].
I’d avoid Gaeus as an alternative, because [name]Gae[/name] is another spelling of [name]Gay[/name] (I know of several women named [name]Gae[/name]). Of the different spellings, I think that Guyus is the most clear.
[name]Gaius[/name] - I know that the -ai- is pronounced as -eye- but afraid the rest of the world will not. [name]Even[/name] though you may home school your children the fact they will live their own lives longer on their own they do with us remains true. I like Jills suggest of [name]Caius[/name] same sound with out potential teasing.