I don’t want to offend anyone, but personally the names [name]Elizabeth[/name]/[name]Elisabeth[/name], [name]Grace[/name], and [name]Rose[/name] are making me drowsy nowadays. It seems that many many people are using them as nicknames.
I know it’s not the same thing, but my Confirmation name was [name]Elizabeth[/name], my niece is [name]Paige[/name] [name]Elizabeth[/name], my cousin is [name]Grace[/name] [name]Elizabeth[/name], there are three aunts in my family named [name]Rose[/name], my cousin is [name]McKayla[/name] [name]Rose[/name], and my boyfriend’s cousin is [name]Megan[/name] [name]Rose[/name]. (Sorry I got a little off topic. I just had to get it off my chest =] Again, I didn’t/don’t mean to ever offend anyone.
I have to agree with you on the middle names. [name]Rose[/name], [name]Elizabeth[/name], [name]Grace[/name] and [name]Marie[/name] are really overused. They are all pretty and work well with most names, but they are just so boring.
you’re right I totally forgot about [name]Marie[/name]! AGain, not knocking anyone, it’s just that these names are soooo very common middle names nowadays.
when my sis-in-law named her baby [name]Paige[/name], I cringed because it’s not my favorite name due to an association it has with a cousin of mine who is also not my favorite person, but when she said [name]Paige[/name] [name]Elizabeth[/name], my heart just sank…
[name]Elizabeth[/name], [name]Grace[/name], [name]Rose[/name], and [name]Marie[/name] are so common because although they’re attractive, I guess you can consider them as safe names. It’s like saying white goes with anything.
[name]Lynn[/name] and [name]Rose[/name] make me yawn. [name]Elizabeth[/name] and [name]Grace[/name] are pretty - I think I love them because there are women in my family who have those middle names. [name]Marie[/name] makes me yawn, too.
I love the name [name]Grace[/name], but it IS getting a total over-workout when it comes to middle names these days! Some others? [name]Lynn[/name], [name]Lee[/name] (or [name]Leigh[/name]), [name]Marie[/name], etc…
I have used both [name]Rose[/name] and [name]Grace[/name] for my girls’ middle names. [name]Grace[/name] I would have used no matter how popular as it is my own name. [name]Rose[/name], I love and I am annoyed that it has become SUCH a popular choice but still, it’s very sweet.
I think three quarters of the girls or women I have met of any age have the middle name [name]Ann[/name], [name]Lynne[/name], or [name]Marie[/name]. The runners-up are [name]Rose[/name], [name]Grace[/name], [name]Nicole[/name], [name]Louise[/name], and [name]Renee[/name], and combined with the first names listed account for maybe all but 2% of females
I don’t think there’s anything wrong with any of these names, for the record; I’ve just heard them so often that I probably wouldn’t use them. Sometimes they sound refreshing as first names, though.
[name]Ann[/name] and [name]Rose[/name], but [name]Rose[/name] especially. I personally know three young girls with the middle name [name]Rose[/name], and have heard of many more.
About that girl [name]McKayla[/name] [name]Rose[/name], Dannim26…
I know a [name]Kayla[/name] [name]Rose[/name].
When I had my first, I decided that I would use my grandparent’s first names for my kids’ middle names. Can I help it that one of my grandmothers was named [name]Rose[/name]??? To my credit, my other Grandmother was named [name]Roxanne[/name] and I used that one first… lol
[name]Lynn[/name] is a really common filler name in my family. I am a [name]Kristen[/name] [name]Grace[/name] and, unfortunately, the [name]Grace[/name] is meaningless filler as well I really like it when middle names have some meaning to them.
Have we mentioned [name]Jean[/name] and [name]Kay[/name]? Probably not so much anymore, but having been nearly [name]Linda[/name] [name]Kay[/name] makes me think I’m so glad I have the name I got instead. [name]Kay[/name] in that case wasn’t even a name, it’s for my dad’s first initial. K for [name]Karen[/name] instead with a longer middle name.
[name]Lynn[/name], [name]Mary[/name], and [name]Anne[/name]/[name]Ann[/name] are definitely overused in my opinion. [name]Grace[/name] is a name I don’t really like, and it doesn’t appeal to me as a middle name, along with [name]Faith[/name]. I think [name]Claire[/name]/[name]Clare[/name]/[name]Clair[/name] is pretty enough to be mega popular as a middle name, and I don’t like [name]Marie[/name] as a middle name but I have a cousin who has [name]Marie[/name] as a first name (her mother is british, that played a role in it) and I think it’s charming and different. My middle name is [name]Mae[/name], after my great grandmother, who my mom and dad were very close to. I love it and plan to pass it on.
Wow-all of the same ones! I much prefer these as first names, actually, particularly those on the girl’s list. Funny how they seem less generic as first names.
(that was probably 80-90 percent of my classmates)
This new generation:
I didn’t really notice the new popular mns until I started thinking of my friends’ kids! [name]Grace[/name] and [name]Rose[/name] are definitely in the lead!
I have to agree, [name]Ann[/name], [name]Marie[/name], and [name]Lynn[/name] are pretty tired at this point. And even though I love the concept of [name]Grace[/name], the name is so so common that I never even considered it for my kids.
My own mn is [name]Susan[/name], which is pretty blah but oddly, does not seem to be super popular as a middle. In my case I like it because it’s after a favorite aunt.
My sister’s mn is [name]Elizabeth[/name]. I think that is a beautiful name, but in her case was probably used as filler.
Hey it could be worse right? We could have middles like [name]Kal[/name]-[name]El[/name] or Unit.
[name]Ann[/name] is sooo boring… ~yawn~ Thats my middle name. My real is [name]Kelly[/name]. [name]Kelly[/name] is not a boring name. The middle name [name]Ann[/name] makes it boring. I think [name]Apple[/name], [name]Sapphire[/name], [name]Aspen[/name], [name]Ocean[/name], [name]Bay[/name], and [name]Snow[/name] are really cool middle name!
I have one unfortunate daughter who has TWO middle names from this group - [name]Elisabeth[/name] and [name]Rose[/name]!! [name]How[/name] will she survive adulthood?!
While I love the idea of these posts, and it is good to share views, I think that we must remember that very few people actively choose names that are very very popular - how many times have we heard people say “I called my baby [name]Laura[/name] and it was really unusual, then in the next few months, EVERYBODY had a [name]Laura[/name]” . . . . . . blah blah blah. This is no coincidence. Not so long ago, [name]Scarlett[/name] was considered a daring and innovative choice - now, it is overrused already. Let us not kid ourselves; this has been happening for decades, and will continue to happen. It makes me think of teenagers who think they invented sex!
Yes, I am “old” (well, 55) and yes, maybe a bit cynical as well. But I have been studying this naming thing for well over forty years now, and I can see they just come round in circles. Rather like fashion in clothes.
What I really wanted to say is that we need to be supportive of each other, but less judgmental please. [name]Remember[/name] the Graces and the Roses out there do not want to be told they are so boring they make us yawn.
LOL - I always think how boring [name]Grace[/name] & [name]Rose[/name] are when I see them mentioned here. But that said, I’m using the middle name [name]Marie[/name] if I have a girl!!
It is my middle name and my grandmother’s middle name so it has a special family attachment for me.
If [name]Grace[/name] & [name]Rose[/name] are a family name then I’m all for it. But just using it as an out of the blue name falls short for me.
I think the really short names people pick for middle names are not bad, they may or may not have meaning to anyone. They all do a pretty good job of setting off the names they go with. [name]Isabella[/name] [name]Grace[/name]. Easy. Done. I think the [name]Grace[/name] and [name]Rose[/name] and [name]Claire[/name] names seem to resonate with people as a beautiful, if boring, safe, choice, as continuing in the tradition of [name]Ann[/name] and [name]Lee[/name] and [name]Lynn[/name]. A lot of those old short names sound good when paired with the first name as a 2-name first name, [name]Barbara[/name] [name]Ann[/name], [name]Deborah[/name] [name]Lynn[/name]. Think about how many first names are popular because they include [name]Ann[/name] and [name]Lee[/name] and [name]Lynn[/name] (or -ana, -ley/-leigh/ or -line). [name]Madeline[/name] [name]Rose[/name]. [name]Juliana[/name] [name]Claire[/name]. [name]Rose[/name] is a beautiful flower, [name]Grace[/name] maybe because of religious reasons or they just think it’s pretty. Hardly anyone uses [name]Rose[/name] for a first name, why? [name]Rose[/name]=#344 in popularity last year! It is a formulaic name with at least some deeper meaning and imagery for some people… I think that’s why they are so popular, they always sound nice, and they are uncomplicated breaks between the first and last name. It’s easy to make a name sound better this way, so much they are used and over-used.
I don’t know why that’s harsh, but people who like names are always going to be bored with what “everyone” does, seemingly without investigation into ALL THE OTHER NAMES. There are so many possibilities, these choices just seem unimaginative, careless? even. [name]How[/name] can anyone not care?? Ha ha. It’s so important to some people that this name is carefully crafted out of a meaningful and beautiful stack of names, that when someone just likes [name]Grace[/name] for a middle name, it sounds nice, let’s write it down, I’m sorry, but it’s not judgmental really. It’s a horror! I’m laughing, I’m joking. These names make people yawn because it indicates a formula and not the kind of fun we all have hunting for names - we are here, hunting for ourselves and helping others hunt for a name, not “just a name.” There are thousands of possibilities, how can you just stop looking?
Let’s not forget a lot of people do find these more meaningful and carefully chosen or traditional (glad I don’t have that problem), and they are handy at fitting in with nearly any name; I am a big fan of honoring family even at the choice of a clich” if you have to. I myself have enjoyed a lifetime of a very special middle name, it was horrible and embarrassing when I was younger, but I feel like it is a secret detail that’s interesting to share with people. There are conversations we’ve all had where someone asks what your middle name is, and I’m glad to have an interesting answer to that. Sorry, I don’t want to tell people on the internet.