We’ve got an awesome (in our opinion) top 5 for [name]Baby[/name], if it is a boy (or for any future baby boy for that matter). And now the hard work with middles start… We’ve got a few we love, but if you’ve got any fantastically amazing names in mind, please feel free to tell us OR make an amazing combo. We have some ideas for combos we quite like, but would love your input and ideas since you’re all brilliant.
Our first names are: [name]Endymion[/name], Faramir, [name]Gawain[/name], [name]Herne[/name] and [name]Orpheus[/name].
[name]Alaric[/name] (king of the visigoths)
Aldaron ("lord of the trees, great huntsman (Tolkien)
Artegal (the personification and champion of justice in TFQ)
Calidore (the kinight of courtesy in TFQ)
[name]Cambell[/name] (a knight of friendship in TFQ)
Eldarion ([name]Arwen[/name] and Aragron’s son (Tolkien))
Elessar (another name for Aragorn (Tolkien))
[name]Guyon[/name] (the knight of temperance in TFQ)
Haldir (an awesome elf (Tolkien))
[name]Hector[/name] (Trojan prince in greek mythology)
Hylas (a beautiful young man “abducted” by nymphs in greek mythology)
[name]Isidore[/name] (“gift of [name]Isis[/name]”)
Lohengrin/Lorengel (a knight in arthurian legend (german version))
Lórien (master of visions and dreams (Tolkien))
[name]Marinell[/name] (the knight of the sea in TFQ, son of a water nymph which is amazing)
Okkervil (a river in [name]Russia[/name])
[name]Orion[/name] (hunter in greek mythology)
Remiel (archangel)
Scudamour (character in TFQ, means “shield of love”)
[name]Serafim[/name] (seraph is a celestial being)
Snowdon (beautiful mountain in [name]Wales[/name])
Strider (another name for Aragorn (Tolkien))
[name]Theron[/name] (“hunter” or “wild animal”)
Triamond (a knight of friendship in TFQ)
Westernesse (another name for Númenor, realm in Middle [name]Earth[/name] (Tolkien))
For now, I’ll try with what you’ve got here. Many gorgeous names, but I do miss some of the more direct word/nature names, and I think the list could use some monosyllabics for rhythmic variety.
emma: I don’t have any one syllable names (except for [name]Herne[/name], obviously). Same with nature names… maybe Wilde but we sort of did it for the girls. Also, surname is one syllable. any suggestions maybe, clever girl?
hayley: [name]Love[/name] [name]Orpheus[/name] Lorien! We’re sort of talking about maybe just doing one middle, but I love so many names I’m not sure I can let the opportunity slip away…
[name]Herne[/name] Scudamour [name]Cambell[/name], [name]Herne[/name] Eldarion [name]Marinell[/name], Faramir Hylas [name]Theron[/name] and [name]Gawain[/name] [name]Hector[/name] Alderon are amazing. I’ve got a huge [name]Herne[/name] crush today!
I know what you mean! [name]Orpheus[/name] Lorien Haldir would work nicely? You’ve got me crushing on Lorien now.
I showed your name list to my bf and he knew what all of them were from/meant without me telling him! He’s very impressed with your choices - he suggested Boromir, [name]Thorin[/name] Gimli, and Heimdal - I could be spelling these wrong!!
[name]Orpheus[/name] Lorien Haldir is amazing! your boyfriend sounds awesome (but he’s from the north, how can he not be?)!
Boromir is in and out of our list. He’s actually one of my way favourite characters from [name]Lord[/name] of the Rings. But I’m sort of madly in love with [name]Sean[/name] Bean… a friend of mine lived next to his mum in [name]Sheffield[/name], so we used to hang out and watch him when I came home with her from boarding school. If he was around… so it would maybe be weird to name a kid after a character played by my teenage crush?But I know [name]Sean[/name] Bean isn’t Boromir…
Wow, I don’t think I’ve commented on any of your threads simply because there are so many wonderful choices and I could literally spend my entire day picking thousands of combinations! But here goes, because I love your taste so much even though it’s so different from my own. Your names are all lovely and call up images of greenery and night skies and faeries and things like that. My suggestions:
[name]Orpheus[/name] (I love, love, love, love this name, with [name]Gawain[/name] being a close favourite too) Snowdon [name]Marinell[/name]
[name]Orpheus[/name] [name]Guyon[/name] [name]Hector[/name]
[name]Orpheus[/name] Scudamour [name]Cambell[/name]
[name]Orpheus[/name] [name]Alaric[/name] [name]Theron[/name]
[name]Orpheus[/name] [name]Guyon[/name] Westernesse
Sorry if my choices aren’t as artistic as everybody else’s…but I [name]ADORE[/name] your names! Good luck choosing the perfect one!
Ha! Oh he’ll love you for that! He loves his fantasy movies and is into the whole Warhammer scene, etc He’s now come up with Gotrek and [name]Felix[/name]?
Aww! I know what you mean, I guess it could be weird - but that is pretty cool that you got so close to your teenage crush! I actually my boyfriend has a man crush on [name]Sean[/name] Bean himself!
My boyfriend has a man crush on him too! And my dad… but how can you not love [name]Sean[/name]? He’s so yummy…
germyflub: Thank you!!! I really love some of those combos, [name]Endymion[/name] Okkervil Strider, [name]Orpheus[/name] Snowdon [name]Marinell[/name] and [name]Gawain[/name] Eldarion Strider jumped right out at me!
[name]One[/name] monosyllabic nature name you may want to consider is Tarn— (or corrie loch); a mountain lake or pool, formed in a cirque excavated by a glacier.
You know how much I love your names. I especially love [name]Endymion[/name], [name]Herne[/name], and [name]Orpheus[/name]. I prefer [name]Pan[/name] for the antlered forest king image but that’s just my religion talking
For your middles, I really like [name]Alaric[/name], Eldarion, [name]Isidore[/name] (I know a Hyperion [name]Isidore[/name]), Lohengrin, Lórien (of course only I’m using it on a girl), [name]Orion[/name], and [name]Theron[/name].
To be honest, I don’t know how well [name]Herne[/name] works as a first name with a lot of these middles because it sounds so short when placed in front of these long names, but I’ll give it a try.
Warning you, I’m going to give you quite a lot of combo option because I love too many of them So I’ll do one at a time.
I’m having the problem with Faramir that the middles, say, Snowdon Haldir sounds very cool but it just can’t work with Faramir. There were a lot of those
Like I said, I find [name]Herne[/name] to sound really choppy as a first name with a lot of these long middles, and I think it would make a better middle with one of these middles as a first instead, but that’s just my opinion.
[name]Peregrin[/name] (I would use it but I can’t )
Greek myth names
Hyperion (Titan of [name]Light[/name])
Acheron (river of pain – While I love the name, you might not like the association)
[name]Nereus[/name] (the old man of the sea, and the god of the sea’s rich bounty of fish)
[name]Zephyrus[/name] (God of the [name]West[/name] wind)
[name]Daedalus[/name] (creator of the labyrinth and great inventor)
Helenus ( seer and twin brother of [name]Cassandra[/name], who later became king of Epirus)
And as always, if you want a pronunciation for those Greek names, let me know