Milena Elizabeth Parker

Please let me know what you think of [name]Milena[/name] [name]Elizabeth[/name] [name]Parker[/name]. Also, I am open to suggestions.

This is a beautiful name, but i get a little stuck at the spelling of [name]Milena[/name]. I keep having to correct myself for spelling it [name]Melina[/name]. I also think that the name Melaya or Milaya [name]Elizabeth[/name] [name]Parker[/name] would be beautiful as well

It is [name]Lovely[/name]:slight_smile:

I think it’s gorgeous!

In contrast to kenzi, I stumble a bit when I see it spelled [name]Melina[/name] (Sorry, now you just cant win! :wink: )
I think [name]Melina[/name] is more familiar looking in english speaking countries (similarity to [name]Melissa[/name], [name]Melinda[/name], etc) [name]Milena[/name] to me goes international a little easier. [name]Just[/name] imo.

I knew a girl in high school with this EXACT name. Lol she was okay, so I have no negative association with it. Her fn always reminded me of the ninja chick from Mortal Kombat.

I like it, very pretty. :slight_smile:

Very pretty! Would be a nice choice!

[name]Love[/name] it! [name]Milena[/name] is so refreshing and spunky and altogether stunning. I would love to meet one, and I think [name]Milena[/name] [name]Elizabeth[/name] sounds very pretty, as is [name]Milena[/name] [name]Parker[/name] (which, I’m assuming, [name]Parker[/name]'s the surname, right?). Such a wonderful choice.