Misinformation about Athena

I hate to be a bother about these Greek names, but since [name]Athena[/name] is the goddess I worship, and since I am Greek, I feel as though I need to correct you on what you have her listed as. She isn’t a fertility goddess. She isn’t even remotely associated with fertility. [name]Athena[/name] is the goddess of wisdom, warfare, battle strategy, heroic endeavour, handicrafts and reason.

The Greek gods and goddesses and deity’s associated with fertility are:

[name]Adonis[/name], a figure associated with death, rebirth and vegetation
Aphaea, local goddess associated with fertility and the agricultural cycle
[name]Aphrodite[/name], goddess of love, beauty and sexuality
Aphroditus, god of male and female unity, the moon and fertility
[name]Artemis[/name], goddess of the hunt, wild animals, wilderness, childbirth, virginity, fertility, young girls and health and disease in women
[name]Cybele[/name], Phrygian [name]Earth[/name] Mother goddess who embodies the fertile earth
[name]Demeter[/name], goddess of agriculture and the fertility of the earth
[name]Dionysus[/name], god of wine and festivity, associated with fertility
[name]Eros[/name], god of sexual love, fertility and beauty
Priapus, Greek god of fertility, gardens and male genitalia
[name]Gaia[/name], [name]Earth[/name] Mother and goddess of the fertile earth
[name]Hera[/name], goddess of the air, marriage, women, women’s fertility, childbirth, heirs, kings and empires
Ilithyia, goddess of childbirth and midwifery
[name]Pan[/name], god of shepherds, flocks, mountain wilds, hunting and rustic music; associated with fertility
[name]Persephone[/name], daughter of [name]Zeus[/name] and [name]Demeter[/name]; abducted by Hades, but allowed to return to the surface of earth for part of the year.
Phanes, primeval deity of procreation and the generation of new life
[name]Poseidon[/name], God of the sea, Storms, earthquakes, and is often associated with Fertilty within the Sea.