I’ve just come across the nn [name]Mitzy[/name] today and am wondering about it as a nn for [name]Matilda[/name]? What do you think of the name in general and as a nn for [name]Matilda[/name]? I can only imagine it sounding cute on a baby or little girl not on a grown woman!!
I love! I love cutesy nicknames like this…we sometimes call our daughter [name]Kitty[/name].
I think [name]Mitzy[/name] is kind of nickname that pretty much any girl can have (I knew a Muffy who was [name]Theresa[/name], kinda think it works like that) so [name]Matilda[/name] would give it a strong connection!
I think [name]Mitzy[/name] could work forever on some personalities but not on all!
I think it’s cute, it’s our cat’s name, we spell it Mittzy though… she originally was called Mittens, but that didn’t last.
I think it would work with [name]Matilda[/name].
Sure, why not? They share many of the same sounds/letters. Cute!
I actually know a [name]Mitzi[/name]…but that’s her full name. I can see it easily growing with someone.