Mom's driving me nuts

I don’t really need any advice, I just want to rant somewhere that isn’t going to bite me in the behind.

So my mom and I watched Survivor last night. [name]Phillip[/name] and [name]Cochran[/name] arm-wrestled and [name]Phillip[/name] not only won but was able to hold up most of [name]Cochran[/name]'s body weight with his forearm. My mom was posting something online about how “If [name]Phillip[/name] can’t even win arm-wrestling that cream puff [name]Cochran[/name], he should just go home.” I tried to explain to her that he did win, so what she was typing made no sense. She said I just don’t understand things when I read them.

I know it’s a trivial thing to even be discussing and that a post on a tv show’s site with 1000 comments won’t be read by anyone anyway, but I think it says a lot about our frequent breakdowns in communication that what she’s saying makes no damn sense as far as I can tell but she’s defending it vehemently. Whether I’m not getting it or she isn’t, this sort of thing happens all the time, usually about more important stuff than this.

[name]Do[/name] you think her sense of self is extremely threatened by being wrong? Is she often very defensive, painting herself into corners during arguments simply because her world would crumble if she were incorrect?

My mother is like that so perhaps I’m projecting. :slight_smile:

Yes, that sounds pretty familiar. I have to be very careful about things I say about how I want to raise [name]Wiley[/name] too because she gets defensive about me wanting to do things differently from how I was raised even if I’m not saying anything about her.