We have narrowed our little one’s name to two options…I think. Only issue is potential monograms. One name option would make her monogram [name_m]CAP[/name_m], and the other option would make her monogram CAR. My own monogram is [name_m]CAP[/name_m] and I don’t care, so I’m trying to decide if I even care that they spell words. I mean, they’re not bad words, right?
What do you think? [name_f]Do[/name_f] you care about monograms spelling words? Am I overthinking this?
Can you not just get the monogram done CPA or CRA, if spelling out a word bothers you? I don’t think it’s an issue myself though.
(Sorry if that’s not an option- monograms aren’t really a thing where I live, and if people get them it’s usually just the first name or initials in the order they appear in the name, with or without the middle one, so if there are rules about monogramming, disregard this.)
I don’t think I’d be bothered unless the word was rude or had bad connotations e.g. cap or car, fine. Poo or dik, no.
When I was little my initials were used as a nickname for me (C.L.L.E.A. became [name_f]Clea[/name_f] for [name_f]Caroline[/name_f]). It didn’t last that long (sadly, I love it now) but it was cool. [name_m]Cap[/name_m] makes me think of [name_m]Captain[/name_m], which I think would be a super cute nickname - she’s in charge!