More Help with Names....

I have been getting great feedback on some names. I thought I would toss [name]Myla[/name] back out there one more time…my husband wants an M. We have been through the books and are down to [name]Madeleine[/name] and [name]Myla[/name] for our two M names. We came across [name]Myla[/name] because our boys name has always been [name]Miles[/name] so we think that is quite special. (We are not worried about saving [name]Miles[/name] for a later child)

Pros to [name]Myla[/name]:
Its unique…
Its short like [name]Celia[/name]
My husband likes MY-bear as a nickname(he calls all of us bear names)

It might be too unique
Although we do like [name]Maya[/name](too popular) and [name]Miley[/name](not someone we would want to name our kids after) we are afraid people will think its a made up name. Yet its even more popular than [name]Celia[/name]. Surprise surprise…!

We like short cute names…like [name]Lily[/name] ( too popular and we have an L name so its out) and [name]Bella[/name] (way way too popular for our taste) We have scoured books for 4 months and have read through the top 1000 names so we dont really need new suggestions so much as impressions. It stinks that I feel like I am settling this time.

I love [name]EMMY[/name] and [name]REMi[/name] but my husband is not crazy about either. I could push but I want him to love the name too.

We both [name]LOVE[/name] [name]Lylah/name and [name]Lilly[/name] but cant do it with our last name beginning with a L.

We both kind of like [name]Madeleine[/name] and the nickname [name]Maddy[/name] but we are not “[name]Do[/name] what is Popular” kind of people. We worry we will regret [name]Maddy[/name] when she hits school age and she is one of many…

That brings us to [name]Myla[/name]. Specifically…[name]Myla[/name] [name]Rhodes[/name]( as a middle name which we like alot).
We like it but not sure how it sits with us, mainly because its a name we found in a book but had never heard before. So where as I can picture a petite sweet girl…my husband does not have an image to accompany the name. Any new reactions to [name]Myla[/name] would be great.

Personally, I think [name]Myla[/name] is a lovely name. It has a very sweet and light air to it. I have never met a myla, but my neighbours daughter’s name is [name]Mila[/name] (m-eee-la sound). I am assuming you would prnounce [name]Myla[/name] with an ‘I’ sound (My-la)?
If you love it and keep going back to it, I say stick with it. The combo [name]Myla[/name] [name]Rhodes[/name] is fabulous by the way!

[name]Myla[/name] is pretty and goes well with [name]Celia[/name]. I also like [name]Mila[/name] prn MEE-luh and [name]Mira[/name] prn MEER-uh.

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[name]Myla[/name]? When I think of the name, I think of [name]Kyla[/name] too! I like [name]Kyla[/name] better than [name]Myla[/name], but PLEASE dont take it the wrong way!

no worries… that is the best part of this message board, its not like its your mother or best friend knocking your name idea. I realize [name]Myla[/name] rhymes with other names. [name]Lyla[/name] is one of them too. We are not really looking for another choice just trying to gain a sense of what a “[name]Myla[/name]” sounds like. You know, like how some names sound like snobby girls and some sound sporty or sweet? Maybe that’s just just me.

I like it. It’s a really cute little girl name - I wonder if people would pronounce it the other way (Mee-la) which is also adorable btw.

I like that it’s different, yet simple.

I have not heard of [name]Myla[/name] before. It does sound kind of made up. When I looked it up it’s origins as a name are uncertain: possibly coming from [name]Miles[/name]/[name]Myles[/name] or a modern variant of [name]Mila[/name]. It also reminds me of a mylar balloon. I’d probably stick with [name]Mila[/name] which is more straightforward and less likely to cause confusion. Since it is a new name to me it does not carry strong associations. It follows the nick name trend.