I was wondering what some of the most interesting mash-ups of names are that you berries can think of. You may have come across them in real life or not, but just two names you can incorporate elements of into one name. What is your favourite? None of them are really that nice, but I like the sound of Carolinnea, like [name]Carolyn[/name] and [name]Linnea[/name], pronounced Car-oh-lin-ay-ah. [name]One[/name] I have heard in real life is Sophelia, like [name]Sophie[/name] and [name]Ophelia[/name] combined. Any thoughts?
The only one I’ve heard on an actual person is [name]Annabeth[/name]. It’s simple, but I like it and it fits the sweet little old lady whose moniker it is very nicely.
I’ve never met any irl (not that i can think of right now), but i’ve recently thought that Winalie (mix of [name]Winifred[/name] & the ending -alie) would be cute.
Haha for some reason i’m seriously digging Sophelia! Trying to think of any i know [name]IRL[/name] but its kind of fun to ‘make up’ names too… haha probably shouldnt admit that on nameberry but it IS fun! I actually havent made up any yet but now its a challenge! hmmm [name]Carolinda[/name]? that is actually kind pretty! [name]Carolinda[/name]! Remminiscent (cant spell) of [name]Caroline[/name], [name]Carolina[/name], [name]Cordelia[/name], [name]Linda[/name] and [name]Coralie[/name]. I’m proud!!
I’ve met an [name]Annabeth[/name] and an Islina.
[name]Ive[/name] met a girl named [name]Annamae[/name] ([name]Anna[/name]+[name]Mae[/name]) which is kinda cute:smile: