I know this isn’t at all accurate, but I was wondering about your mother’s intuition with your baby’s gender.
Did you end up having which gender you thought you were, or were you completely wrong?
I always find these stories really interesting
Mine was 100% correct! I thought I was having a girl from the second I got that positive pregnancy test. I was hoping for a girl too, so I don’t know if that came into it at all.
Most of the old wives tales for gender prediction were actually correct for me. As was nub theory. Looking forward to reading more posts on this thread, this always interests me too.
For [name_f]Isla[/name_f] I had a feeling and dreams that I was having a girl. For [name_f]Sophie[/name_f] I just always called baby a her even before finding out, so I was correct for both times. I am however usually incorrect when I guess for friends and families pregnancies.
It was wrong for me. I had a couple dreams about having a baby boy but had a girl. Apparently there’s an old wives tale that if you dream of one gender you will have the opposite.
With my first one we didn’t find out the gender until delivery day. I had a feeling she was a girl the whole time but kept denying it because I didn’t want to get too used to the idea and end up disappointed if the baby was a boy. Turns out, she is a girl!
I’m due with my second in [name_u]July[/name_u] and I immediately felt like this one was a girl too. Blood work and a couple of ultrasounds have confirmed she’s a girl too! But, I guess there is always still a chance we could be surprised on delivery day…
And for what it’s worth, my husband had the same feelings (girl for both) so there might be something to Father’s intuition too!
Haha you literally can’t get better odds than a 50/50 guess so there are obviously a lot of people who guess right. I was slightly leaning towards hoping for a boy the first time, but I thought Freyja was probably a girl (which she was of course). My partner was hoping for a girl but thought she ‘looked like a guy’ on the 12-week ultrasound so he was wrong!
This time I was also hoping for a boy because I thought it would be nice to have one of each and I don’t know, I was more trying to persuade myself it was another girl so that I wouldn’t be disappointed it it was. Deep down I thought it was a boy, though, but that’s probably because I really wanted a boy this time. And it’s a boy (or at least it’s pretty certainly a boy, I suppose you can always get a surprise but I did see his penis on the ultrasound sooo). My partner didn’t really express an opinion this time.
So I guess technically I am two for two, but I never felt ‘sure’ either way or anything.
In all my dreams about having the baby when I was pregnant with Freyja it turned out she was a kitten or a puppy. Luckily that didn’t come true. [name_u]Haven[/name_u]'t dreamt at all about this baby’s arrival yet.
My parents got it right with my elder sister, and were then totally wrong with me. They were 100% convinced I was a boy - I kicked a LOT more than my sister, so they assumed boy?! - so much so that they hadn’t even picked a girls name to take to the hospital (despite finding out the gender at birth).
I’ve not had children yet, so I can’t say about knowing, I’ve got about a 50/50 success rate with friends babies.
What I do seem to be able to do is know when someone is pregnant, if they’re a close friend. So far I’ve had 5 dreams about friends being pregnant (without knowing they were TTC). The first time, I saw her and she said ‘I need to tell you something before we leave’ was just like ‘you’re pregnant, I dreamt it last week’ (that was a weird day). I now message people if I have the dream, it’s a really specific dream it’s only the people that change. So far I’ve been right every time.
When I learnt I was pregnant I was hoping for a girl but was really convinced I was having a boy. [name_m]Don[/name_m]’t ask me why but I just thought we were having a boy and had already got a name picked out ([name_m]Thiago[/name_m]). So yeah my mom radar seems to be broken lol.
I would say my intuition was correct each time, 3/3. We didn’t find out the first time around until the birth and did find out during ultrasounds the second and third times round. I think my husband wanted a boy every time, and finally got him with number 3! I never had morning sickness with any of my pregnancies, girl or boy. So I always thought that was interesting!
I don’t have kids yet, but I do pride myself in having pretty good intuition about other people’s babies. I believe I’m 4/5 in that category.
I was almost 8 when my youngest sister was born, and my parents did find out the sex (although it wasn’t definite since she was being difficult. Was a great first impression of her personality though…) so I don’t know if you can count this one, but I don’t remember them sharing her sex with me. I guess I just couldn’t imagine my parents with a boy so I assumed from the start that it was a girl. And I was right!
With my first cousin, [name_u]Auden[/name_u], it was sort of the same thing. My aunt and uncle didn’t find out with either of my cousins, but I couldn’t picture them with a boy. Sure enough, [name_u]Auden[/name_u] was a girl, and very much so!
[name_f]Cora[/name_f] has a better story to her. About a month after [name_u]Auden[/name_u] was born, we went to visit them for [name_u]Christmas[/name_u]. Since she didn’t find out the sex, my aunt had received two toys from a friend that were wind-up babies. Like wind-up cars, except the babies would crawl after being wound up. One had a pink diaper, the other a blue. I was 10 at the time and decided to race the babies across the counter, and I told my aunt that whichever baby won, that would be the sex of her next child. The girl baby won and [name_f]Cora[/name_f] was born 2 years later, very much female.
I guessed correctly with my dance teacher too. She already had a daughter, and really wanted a boy. I guessed that she would have a boy (because everyone has boys around here, it seems) named [name_u]Elliott[/name_u]. I was right about the boy part, but his name is actually [name_m]Cooper[/name_m].
The only one I’ve gotten wrong is my mom’s cousin. I was so sure she was having a boy, because we have so many girls in my family. I was also sort of hoping she’d have a boy, because I want to have more daughters when I grow up (I grew up with girls, as I said. If I have a boy I’d be like “the heck do I do with this?”) and if she had a boy, I thought my having a girl someday would be more justified and the universe wouldn’t just give me a bunch of sons to even out my family. She ended up having a girl but is planning to have another soon, so we’ll see which way I’m leaning then.
I knew for sure my son was a boy. We didn’t go through the trouble of picking a girl name because I was so certain. I knew the minute the test was positive! This time around I think I am having another boy because so far the pregnancies have been identical, but I don’t know what it’s like to carry a girl so who knows!
I don’t have any babies yet, but we are starting to ttc next cycle! I’ve always had a strong feeling that my first child will be a girl, I am looking forward to seeing if that holds true.
I was 100% wrong with my daughter. I had the most vivid dream that I had just given birth and I was holding a baby boy and I was so convinced that was the baby in my belly. Pregnancy dreams are next level, I can still picture his little face. Was truly shocking when she was born (we stayed on Team [name_u]Green[/name_u]) and she a) was a girl and b) didn’t look like that little bub from my dreams.
This time around I haven’t got any strong intuition, though I’m leaning towards a boy, and don’t think we’ll find out until the birth.
I’m currently expecting a boy, my first. I thought it was a girl for a while, but we both wanted a girl so that could have been why. Looking back I probably should have been open to the “signs” and known it was a boy, especially dreams. So far though with other people’s babies I have yet to miss. I think 5/5.
I haven’t had any kids but when I asked my mum, she said she didn’t bother trying. I guessed my god-daughter and my friend’s kids right but thats’ not really…mother’s intuition, god mother’s intuition I suppose.