My boyfriend's list - opinions?

I love when I can get him into this conversation…


What do you think?

He seems to like popular names, or ones from your own generation. ([name]Brooke[/name], [name]Julie[/name], [name]Michaela[/name], [name]Ashlyn[/name]…). I think [name]Anastasia[/name] and [name]Isabella[/name] are great.

I like these names…


I like [name]Brooke[/name], and [name]Anastasia[/name] pronounced the more traditional Slavic way.

[name]Anastasia[/name] and [name]Michaela[/name] are the dignified, elegant, upscale standouts.

[name]Ashlyn[/name] and [name]Taryn[/name] are tryndee.

[name]Julie[/name] and [name]Brooke[/name] are unobjectionable, though they have passed their peak in popularity.

[name]Isabella[/name] is the mega-name of this generation-- though it’s lovely.

I’m slowly trying to work less popular, less “our generation” names on him. He’s warming up to [name]Miranda[/name], [name]Violet[/name], [name]Bianca[/name], [name]Annabelle[/name] and [name]Tess[/name], but I still like less common names like [name]Magnolia[/name] and [name]Pearl[/name].

I think guys, in general, seem to be drawn to names that feel familiar to them or they have an association with, which is why I tend to see a lot of guy’s lists that are full of names from their own generation. [name]Just[/name] an observation I’ve made over the years. Mine tends to be the same way, I think. He really loves [name]Tabitha[/name] and in the early 80’s when he was born, it looks to have been pretty darned popular.

He seems to love a lot of your favorites!

[name]Anastasia[/name] - a bit over-the-top for me, and while I can appreciate the czarina’s story, it doesn’t really speak to me like it does some people. It’s still pretty, though, and has pretty nns.

[name]Ashlyn[/name] - I like it, personally, but I do prefer the [name]Aislinn[/name] spelling.

[name]Brooke[/name] - meh. I don’t hate it, but I don’t love it, either. The only [name]Brookes[/name] I’ve known personally have been guys, so I wouldn’t use it based on its unisex status alone. I’m just not for unisex names on girls in general. Plus, the most prominent [name]Brooke[/name] I can think of, he was an ex of my mom’s, haha, so that would be sort of weird.

[name]Isabella[/name] - yeah, it’s overdone, and it’s all over the place, but I adore it. I love the connection to [name]Jane[/name] [name]Austen[/name], too. [name]Isabelle[/name] is my top choice, but lately, [name]Isabella[/name] has been more and more appealing to me. I am not sure I’d do [name]Isabella[/name] over [name]Isabelle[/name], but I do really adore them both!

[name]Julie[/name] - eh, it feels dated. I do really like [name]Julia[/name], [name]Juliet[/name], and [name]Juliana[/name], though.

[name]Michaela[/name] - I like the sound, and, to be honest, I prefer the trendier spellings. :confused: I’ve never found [name]Michaela[/name] particularly appealing. It does sound nice, though. I heard [name]Michaela[/name] here and there and everywhere around 2005 or so, so it feels a bit over the hill to me, but it is a nice name.

[name]Taryn[/name] - this feels really dated to me–like dated to the 60s or 70s–but it’s okay. I like other “T” names more.

Good luck!

Forewarning: I can be a bit brutally honest…

[name]Anastasia[/name] - Feels like way to many letters for a little [name]Annie[/name], but it will suit when she grows up
[name]Ashlyn[/name] - why oh why is [name]Ashley[/name] so popular? This is so much prettier, but she will probably get called [name]Ashley[/name] a lot by mistake
[name]Brooke[/name] - not bad by girl’s word name standards
[name]Isabella[/name] - [name]Izzy[/name]‘s not bad, [name]Bella[/name] has always sounded kind of fat to me
[name]Julie[/name] - [name]Julia[/name] seems to have more substance
[name]Michaela[/name] - at least you spelled it right
[name]Taryn[/name] - tearin’ up a piece of paper

[name]Anastasia[/name] - Meh. I don’t really like it.

[name]Ashlyn[/name] - I [name]LOVE[/name] -lyn names, and I love the nn [name]Ash[/name].

[name]Brooke[/name] - This sounds too nickname-y for me. Maybe as a nn for [name]Brooklyn[/name]?

[name]Isabella[/name] - I’ve always liked this name.

[name]Julie[/name] - [name]LOVE[/name]!

[name]Michaela[/name] - Eh, bad associations for me.

[name]Taryn[/name] - Bad associations again. [name]Just[/name] for me, though.

[name]Anastasia[/name] - It’s a big name but it’s not bad. A few nickname options which is nice.
[name]Ashlyn[/name] - I do kinda like this name though I prefer [name]Ashlan[/name].
[name]Brooke[/name] - It’s a nice, simple name. Also makes a nice middle name.
[name]Isabella[/name] - So bored of this name and all the other [name]Bella[/name]/[name]Ella[/name] names. Yawn.
[name]Julie[/name] - I like it.
[name]Michaela[/name] - I do like this name but all of those “mc” names are super trendy right now. I do prefer this spelling though.
[name]Taryn[/name] - Without looking at any info on the name, it sounds made up. [name]Don[/name]'t really like it.

[name]Anastasia[/name]! If your boyfriend is suggesting such a romantic, royal, mysteriously beautiful name, leap on it!

[name]Julie[/name] is your starting point to many wonderful names. It has everything: rich sound (J has so much substance and L is so flowy), history, literary heritage, the only problem is that it peaked int he 70s. Try [name]Julia[/name] on him, a name that has remained pretty steady through the years, which makes it a classic, not a trend. It only ever dropped out of the top 100 in the 60s and 70s (probably because people were naming their daughters [name]Julie[/name]). Then, since you already have the rich J sound, try [name]Georgia[/name] (from your signature) which has the same feminine, rich sound.