My Maybe List... Thoughts Please!!

Hey berries…

I just wanted to put my maybe list out there to get some opinions.

Here goes… :slight_smile:

[name]Olive[/name]: Yes, this is only on the maybe list.
[name]Imogen[/name]: Yes, this is on here too :slight_smile:
[name]Persephone[/name]: When I first saw this name I was think ‘[name]Percy[/name]-phone? [name]How[/name] is this possibly a name?’ But then I realizeed that it was pronounce per-sef-O-nee. lol :slight_smile:



[name]Eden[/name] is one of my favorites too!
And [name]Ireland[/name] is beautiful.

Thankyou crizzteen!!

[name]Primrose[/name] LIKE -CUTE, vintage feel
[name]Clover[/name] different, cute- I probably wouldn’t use it but I do like it.
[name]Olive[/name] NMS Sounds like antipasto
[name]Aria[/name] LIKE, spunky
[name]Ariana[/name] LIKE… ALOT :slight_smile: Sassy and sweet
[name]Rowan[/name] NMS as seems masculine to me
[name]Eden[/name] NMS, but useable
[name]Erin[/name]… [name]LOVE[/name], [name]Erin[/name] is a name I adore.
[name]Mary[/name]- NMS, don’t like the meaning
[name]Imogen[/name] -[name]LOVE[/name], like [name]Immy[/name] nn, Spunky
[name]Xanthe[/name]- know one- [name]LOVE[/name] it on her, very quirky yet the sound is right in keeping with [name]Sophie[/name], [name]Chloe[/name] and [name]Phoebe[/name]- so mixes in with peers.
[name]Persephone[/name]- LIKE in theory, probably wouldn’t use it though

[name]Primrose[/name]–I really love this name, but I don’t know…it’s a bit of a mouthful. Definitely a name that would be NN’d most of the time.
[name]Clover[/name]–[name]Just[/name] sounds like a cow to me
[name]Olive[/name]: This is on my Top Three for serious, I love it so much. [name]WAY[/name] better than [name]Olivia[/name].
[name]Aria[/name]–It’s a good name, but NMS
[name]Ariana[/name]–see above
[name]Rowan[/name]–Oh I like that for a girl, but still a bit too trendy for me
[name]Erin[/name]–I’ve always thought it was a boring name, ever since I was a little girl. [name]Aaron[/name] for a boy, however I like.
[name]Mary[/name]–Can’t go wrong with the ultimate classic, but it’s so different from the style of all your other names I’m curious why it’s on the list.
[name]Imogen[/name]: Good, solid name, I like it.
[name]Xanthe[/name]–Eh I get it, but NMS
[name]Persephone[/name]: Cute name, cute NN options.

The reason why its on the list is because its my great grandmother’s name, but I’d only use it as a middle name.


My favourites from your list are [name]Aria[/name] & [name]Ariana[/name]. Gorgeous names!

[name]Primrose[/name] - [name]Don[/name]'t like.
[name]Clover[/name] - Really don’t like.
[name]Olive[/name] - I like it.
[name]Aria[/name] - [name]Love[/name]!
[name]Ariana[/name] - It’s ok.
[name]Rowan[/name] - I like this better on a boy personally.
[name]Eden[/name] - Like!
[name]Erin[/name] - It’s ok.
[name]Mary[/name] - NMS but nice.
[name]Imogen[/name] - I like it, but I’m not a fan of any of the nn options.
[name]Xanthe[/name] - NMS.
[name]Persephone[/name] - Too long without any good nn options [name]IMO[/name]. What about [name]Penelope[/name]?

From your list, [name]Primrose[/name], [name]Rowan[/name], and [name]Imogen[/name] are my favourites, I like them lots! I also kind of like [name]Mary[/name] and [name]Persephone[/name]:slight_smile:

My favorites:

[name]Persephone[/name]- Still not a fan, but I am so glad that you added the prounciation. I too thought that ending was said as, “phone”! Though I had the beginning correct, it still sounded awful haha.

I love [name]Aria[/name], [name]Eden[/name] & [name]Imogen[/name], and I don’t mind [name]Mary[/name] or [name]Olive[/name] (though I don’t think [name]Olive[/name] is particularly pretty). I’m not a fan of the others though, sorry.

I like [name]Aria[/name], [name]Ariana[/name], [name]Rowan[/name], [name]Eden[/name], [name]Erin[/name].

[name]Primrose[/name] - Pretty, and sophisticated; I think this is a nice, dainty choice. My only issue is that Hunger Games might make this name more popular.
[name]Clover[/name] - I really like this one! I like [name]Clove[/name] more, but both remind me of the word “clever” :slight_smile:
[name]Olive[/name] - I don’t understand the appeal of this name. I think it could be cute on a little kid; but really silly on an adult.
[name]Aria[/name] - Not a fan of this one either. The only [name]Aria[/name] I know is a boy.
[name]Ariana[/name] - Much better than [name]Aria[/name], but still not my style.
[name]Rowan[/name] - I like this one; I think this can fit a wide variety of personalities.
[name]Eden[/name] - Pretty, but there’s something about the first syllable that bothers me.
[name]Erin[/name] - I don’t like this name. I don’t think it looks appealing or sounds appealing.
[name]Mary[/name] - Sweet, vintage charm! You can’t go wrong with [name]Mary[/name]. I think it’s an underused gem.
[name]Imogen[/name] - In theory, it sounds pretty when pronounced correctly, but I just can’t get passed the way it looks when written out.
[name]Xanthe[/name] - Doesn’t sound pretty to me. It looks super trendy.
[name]Persephone[/name]: I really like this! This is my second top choice from your list (behind [name]Clover[/name]). I love the soft, melodic sound it has, and the way it looks is super pretty to me. Pronunciation might be an issue later on, but really, anyone who knows something about greek mythology should be able to get it right.

[name]Love[/name], love, love [name]Clover[/name] and [name]Persephone[/name] and like [name]Mary[/name] and [name]Rowan[/name].

I think you might also like [name]Brielle[/name], bryn, wren, blythe, arwen,

Haha, that is true gblondie! [name]Brielle[/name], [name]Bryn[/name], [name]Blythe[/name], [name]Wren[/name] and [name]Arwen[/name] are all on my maybe list, I just couldn’t think of them when I posted the forum! :slight_smile:


[name]Primrose[/name]- Like; I wouldn’t use it though
[name]Clover[/name]- Like; I might use it
[name]Olive[/name]- NMS
[name]Aria[/name]- Like; I wouldn’t use it though
[name]Ariana[/name]- Like; I wouldn’t use it though
[name]Rowan[/name]- NMS
[name]Eden[/name]- Like; I wouldn’t use it though
[name]Erin[/name]- Like; I wouldn’t use it though
[name]Mary[/name]- NMS
[name]Imogen[/name]- Like; I wouldn’t use it though
[name]Xanthe[/name]- NMS
[name]Persephone[/name]- Like; I wouldn’t use it though

As you can see, I like a lot of your names :slight_smile: I wouldn’t personally use them, but I appreciate their beauty.

[name]Primrose[/name]: From your signature I’m assuming this is for a character in a book. I think that it might be a poor name for a character due to the current Hunger Games craze. I honestly cannot ever see this name without thinking of little Prim Everdeen. I think it would be best to not use such an uncommon name that is distinctly related to something so popular. If my guess it wrong and this is for a real child, I love the name.
[name]Clover[/name]: Potential to be a great character. However, for a real person it is not my style.
[name]Olive[/name]: I love this for a character, but not so much for a real child since it is becoming so popular. However, if you love it, go for it - it’s super cute.
[name]Aria[/name]: NMS, although I do think it’s quite beautiful. I do think this runs into the same problem as [name]Primrose[/name] though as it is from Pretty [name]Little[/name] Liars which is pretty big right now.
[name]Ariana[/name]: I do not like this.
[name]Rowan[/name]: I love this for any use.
[name]Eden[/name]: It could make a great character, although not a favorite. I’m not a huge fan of it in real life but I don’t mind it.
[name]Erin[/name]: I really dislike this name. The only reason I don’t like it is because there is a girl I know named [name]Erin[/name] who really grates my nerve, so I have a pretty unfair opinion.
[name]Mary[/name]: Classic!
[name]Imogen[/name]: I love this name!
[name]Xanthe[/name]: I’m not very big on this, but I could definitely seeing this being a super kick ass book character… which actually makes me like it for real kids, too!
[name]Persephone[/name]: It is prettier sounding than what I had imagined, but I guess that’s the problem I have with the name: it would be SO HARD not to say this wrong. If it is a book character, then I would usually just pretend I know how to say it and go with it but it still kind of drives me crazy not knowing for sure. For a real child, I would never use it. Not only is it hard to get right the first time, but it would also take me a couple times to get into the hang of saying it the right way. However, if you want something truly unique, it is a pretty name.

[name]Primrose[/name] - Cute, but the “prim” part stands out to me…I like it more as a middle.
[name]Clover[/name] - Also cute, but not sure how it will age. I can picture it on someone 'til about the age of, oh, 26. I could see this as a [name]Zooey[/name] Deschanel character name.
[name]Olive[/name]: - A favorite. I have a cat named [name]Olive[/name], and I know two little Olives. Super cute!
[name]Aria[/name] - It’s ok. Sounds trendy, is trendy.
[name]Ariana[/name] - It was trendy in the late '90s and early '00s (at least, in my area of the world) and now seems slightly dated.
[name]Rowan[/name] - Growing on me. There’s someone on the boards with a [name]Rowan[/name] [name]Jane[/name], and I think that’s pretty adorable.
[name]Eden[/name] - I used to like it a lot (even had named a cat [name]Eden[/name]!) But now with the overuse of “[name]Aiden[/name]” this sound has soured for me.
[name]Erin[/name] - Outdated, but could still be used.
[name]Mary[/name] - [name]Love[/name]. A friend has a little [name]Mary[/name] [name]Rose[/name] and she’s gorgeous!
[name]Imogen[/name] - I like it. It seemed like it got a lot of hype on various name message boards about 5-8 years back, and then kind of died down.
[name]Xanthe[/name] - I like the meaning, and the sound, but not sure how I like it on an actual person. Maybe a good middle?
[name]Persephone[/name] - It’s growing on me, slowly. I like it with the nickname [name]Percy[/name].

[name]Primrose[/name] – don’t like
[name]Clover[/name] – ok on someone else’s child, nms
[name]Olive[/name] – i really liked this after seeing “[name]Little[/name] Miss [name]Sunshine[/name]”, but i’ve since cooled toward this name. In the top 100 (NZ)
[name]Aria[/name] – quite pretty, this one’s in the top 100 (NZ) in case that matters
[name]Ariana[/name] – another top 100 name (just!) it’s alright. I prefer [name]Aria[/name]
[name]Rowan[/name] – i really love [name]Rowan[/name] on a boy, I removed the name from my boys list though since it’s now so popular for girls.
[name]Eden[/name] – nms (top 100 again)
[name]Erin[/name] – i like it quite a bit actually
[name]Mary[/name] – don’t like
[name]Imogen[/name] – like it
[name]Xanthe[/name] – Really like [name]Xanthe[/name], husband thinks it has an odd sound :frowning:
[name]Persephone[/name] – not really a fan of this one

My strong favorites are [name]Eden[/name] & [name]Mary[/name].