My mom hates my top 2. Help!

My mom think’s that [name]Liberty[/name] is a redneck name and that [name]Elettra[/name] sounds like a stripper name. [name]Do[/name] you agree? Disagree?

Also, thoughts on my other 3 from top 5: [name]Harbor[/name], [name]Quincy[/name], & [name]Noelle[/name]?

Any names you think would fit in that set? I’d be very grateful for some suggestions.

Thanks and God Bless.

I really like [name]Felicity[/name], kind of a spin on [name]Liberty[/name], and works with either [name]Elettra[/name] or [name]Noelle[/name]. I don’t care for [name]Elettra[/name] and [name]Noelle[/name] paired together.

Is this 1 or 2 girls you’re naming?

If one:

[name]Elettra[/name] [name]Felicity[/name] or [name]Felicity[/name] [name]Elettra[/name]


[name]Noelle[/name] [name]Felicity[/name] or [name]Felicity[/name] [name]Noelle[/name]

If two:

[name]Elettra[/name] [name]Ione[/name] and [name]Felicity[/name] [name]Noelle[/name]


[name]Noelle[/name] [name]Bryn[/name] and [name]Felicity[/name] [name]Elettra[/name]

I also like [name]Isla[/name] and [name]Alessandra[/name]!

My mom think’s that [name]Liberty[/name] is a redneck name and that [name]Elettra[/name] sounds like a stripper name. [name]Do[/name] you agree? Disagree?

Also, thoughts on my other 3 from top 5: [name]Harbor[/name], [name]Quincy[/name], & [name]Noelle[/name]?

[name]Elettra[/name] would not be my choice but I don’t think it’s a stripper name.
[name]Liberty[/name] is nice. I would choose it over [name]Elettra[/name]. I don’t think it sounds like a redneck name at all.
I really like your 3 from your top 5. All 3 are great and sound nice.
For sib set I’d use [name]Harbor[/name], [name]Quincy[/name] and [name]Liberty[/name].
Maybe you can use [name]Elettra[/name] as a mn, that way you get it in but avoid the stripper opinions.

I live in Australia and we don’t think of names in terms of it sounds like a stripper’s name, however, I would be very reluctant to use Elletra, you could use [name]Allegra[/name] which has almost the same sound and it would be a far more acceptable name, in fact a lovely name eg [name]Allegra[/name] [name]Penelope[/name].

[name]Liberty[/name] although it has the nice meaning of freedom is not a name that I could consider. [name]Lorelai[/name] is pretty as is [name]Lara[/name], [name]Laura[/name], [name]Lauren[/name], [name]Letitia[/name], [name]Leila[/name], [name]Larissa[/name] and [name]Lena[/name]. perhaps one of these would appeal to you?

[name]Lorelai[/name] [name]Cosette[/name]
[name]Lorelai[/name] [name]Ophelia[/name]
[name]Lorelai[/name] [name]Juliet[/name]

[name]Noelle[/name] is pretty and I like it teamed with [name]Christiana[/name], [name]Noelle[/name] [name]Christiana[/name].

I think that [name]Quinn[/name] for a girl is prettier than [name]Quincy[/name], not many people like the quince fruit, it doesn’t have the right vibe imo.

For a boy [name]Quentin[/name] is a handsome, quirky name.

Harbour reminds me of [name]Willow[/name] and that is a lovely girl’s name.

[name]Willow[/name] [name]Skye[/name]

Best wishes

[name]Love[/name] these suggestions!

I agree, [name]Quinn[/name] is much nicer to me than [name]Quincy[/name] - more feminine.

And, I love [name]Willow[/name], again a much more feminine choice to [name]Harbor[/name].
[name]Bay[/name] would be my other suggestion but I think it only works as a middle, and maybe better on a boy.

[name]Even[/name] though [name]Elettra[/name] doesn’t bother me (although I do see the concern - is this because of [name]Carmen[/name] [name]Electra[/name] I wonder?), I think [name]Allegra[/name] [name]Penelope[/name] is so smooth! [name]Love[/name] it!

Responding to posts makes me want a doll collection, or tons of pets, so I can use all these names that I fall in love with;)!

My 4 year old is [name]Liberty[/name]. She is nearly 5 and in all that time I have only received one negative comment on her name. A waitress in a restaurant insinuated that it was a “hippie” name. I patiently explained to her that the hippies used this name beause they liked alot of patriotic names (like [name]America[/name]). If you look at old censuses in [name]America[/name], [name]Liberty[/name] was in use a hundred or more years ago (although it was often a boy’s name then). It isn’t a new name but has had a new surge of interest in recent years just like during the “hippie” era. We have received many compliments on her name. I don’t consider myself a redneck and I certainly don’t think anyone else has considered it that. I would use any of the 5 names off your list that you really like. Your mom will get used to it, as will anyone else who doesn’t approve. Good luck!

[name]Liberty[/name] is ok, but how about just [name]Libby[/name] as a full name? That would be really cute. [name]Elettra[/name], I’m not crazy about, but [name]Electa[/name] is a cute name, as is [name]Electra[/name].

My first instinct when I saw the title was WHO CARES?! But I sorta agree… Well not really with the things your mom thinks but that they’re not really great names. However [name]Quincey[/name] and [name]Noelle[/name] are AWesome names!! Harbors great too! But [name]Liberty[/name] and [name]Harbor[/name] sound funny like a tourist place you go by the statue of liberty orsimething…

Though [name]Liberty[/name] isn’t my style, I [name]LOVE[/name] the nn [name]Libby[/name]. I would use it if I loved it, regardless of what other people think. After all, it’s you baby and your choice completely (and your partner’s of course :wink:
I’m not a fan of [name]Elettra[/name]. I think only of [name]Electra[/name], which reminds me of electricity. You could use the nn [name]Ellie[/name], which is adorable. However all things considered, I find [name]Elettra[/name] would be best used in the mn spot.
I’m not a fan of [name]Harbor[/name]. Maybe [name]Marina[/name] or [name]Bay[/name] would appeal to you? I like [name]Harper[/name] as well.
[name]Quincy[/name] is a very masculine name for me and I [name]LOVE[/name] [name]Quinn[/name] for a boy! For a girl, I’m not sold.
[name]Noelle[/name] is by far my favorite of these names. It’s sweet and flows well with many names. I love its sound. Here are some suggestions:


Good luck :wink:

Thanks everyone! Your suggestions are wonderful, and your encouragement is appreciated! I have a feeling I’m a long way from settling on a girl’s name…

I love [name]Quincy[/name]! It’s my #1 girl name! Sorry, but I don’t care for [name]Liberty[/name] or [name]Elettra[/name]. But whatever you decide, it’s YOUR decision and even if your mom doesn’t care for your names, there’s no doubt she will come around once she’s met your beautiful daughter!

It seems like your style is:

Unisex Names ([name]Quincy[/name])

Nature Names ([name]Harbor[/name])

[name]Virtue[/name] Names ([name]Liberty[/name])

French Names ([name]Noelle[/name])

Edgy Feminine Names ([name]Elettra[/name])

Some other options:

Unisex Names:


Nature Names:


[name]Virtue[/name] Names:


French Names:


Edgy Feminine Names:


Repeats that I love for you: [name]Felicity[/name], [name]Allegra[/name], [name]Penelope[/name], [name]Alessandra[/name], [name]Isla[/name], [name]Emery[/name], [name]Ellery[/name], [name]Zara[/name], [name]Calista[/name], [name]Willow[/name], [name]Sage[/name], [name]Skye[/name], [name]Bryn[/name], [name]Iris[/name], [name]Quinn[/name], [name]Ione[/name], [name]Cosette[/name], [name]Ophelia[/name], [name]Gemma[/name], [name]Zeta[/name], [name]Elise[/name]

Some other possibilities:


I knew a girl named [name]Trinity[/name] [name]Anne[/name]. I think this is quite pretty.

[name]Just[/name] wanted to say that my husband and I just got into an argument over [name]Elettra[/name] because he also thinks that it is a “stripper name”. That’s actually how I found this post. I think that [name]Elettra[/name] is gorgeous. You should go for it.