My niece was born this morning! :)

Her name is [name]Astoria[/name] [name]Pearl[/name]. She was born early this morning, weighing 7lbs 10oz.

They plan on calling her Stori for a nickname, which I adore! They chose [name]Astoria[/name] because they like it, simply. I agree, it’s a beautiful name, and [name]Pearl[/name] is after our Grandmother who passed away a few years ago.

It suits her perfectly, she’s a little sweetheart and has a head full of blonde hair! (That was a surprise - she’s really dark haired and her DH is also!).

~ps - I asked permission from my sister to post the baby’s name on the forum - she agreed, she’s actually excited to hear some feedback on the name!~

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[name]Astoria[/name] [name]Pearl[/name] is darling! I normally don’t like [name]Pearl[/name], but with [name]Astoria[/name], it’s a winner! Also, Stori is adorable! Congrats to your sister :slight_smile:

Wow! [name]Astoria[/name] nn Stori is pretty dadgum adorable! Never heard of it or thought of it. Wow!

Awww congrats on your niece! Being an aunt is awesome:)

I love her name btw! I’ve never given much thought to either one, but this combination is really cute! I love that her nn will be Stori too:) Such a pretty name an it sounds like it fits her:)

Congratulations! I not that keen on [name]Astoria[/name] but [name]Pearl[/name] is lovely.

Wow. Simply stunning. Congratulations and your sister made a great name choice! :slight_smile:

Congratulations! [name]Astoria[/name] [name]Pearl[/name] is a really lovely name.

Oh what a perfect name! I simply [name]Love[/name] it! Congratulations on the birth of your little niece!

Oh lovely! Haha, [name]Astoria[/name] is my #2 girl name, and [name]Pearl[/name] is a beautiful middle name choice. I think I’ve probably had that exact combo on my list as some point. I wonder if [name]Astoria[/name] will get more popular? I feel I have been hearing more of it than I would expect for a rare-seeming name.

Congrats to your family! :slight_smile:

[name]Astoria[/name] [name]Pearl[/name], nn Stori, is just stunning! Congratulations!

What a beautiful name, congratulations!

Beautiful name, congrats!