I love the name [name]Rowena[/name]. I’m having twins in a few months, and I’ve already picked the first girl’s name if they end up being two girls, but I am looking for her twin. (We never find out what the sex of our children is until we meet them)
My parents hate the name [name]Rowena[/name] and say that it sounds too “african-american”. They are not racist but I am half European Mutt and half Native American and french Canadian. They think throwing a name with such a little tie to my nationality into the mix is a horrible idea. However, I was NOT under the impression that [name]Rowena[/name] sounded “african american.” I have been pronouncing it ROW-WHEN-UH. And I absolutely [name]LOVE[/name] this name.
What is your thought on this?
Also, what do you think of these other names I have been considering, as I’ve obviously been having second thoughts after my parent’s response.
[name]Aurora[/name]–is this becoming too popular?
Thanks, please anyone with thoughts on this give me your opinion.
Name your daughter what you please. If you love [name]Rowena[/name], name her [name]Rowena[/name]. If your parents complain, you can always point out that [name]Rowena[/name] is a Welsh name and [name]Rowena[/name] is your daughter to name.
I agree with this sentiment. If you love the name, you should use it. This situation is exactly why we didn’t share any name considerations with friends or family while we were pregnant. We announced the name a few days after he was born.
From your other names I like [name]Miriam[/name] and [name]Aurora[/name].
If you’re half-European mutt then they’re definitely wrong about the name having “such a little tie to my nationality.” According to the Behind the Name article on [name]Rowena[/name], “Meaning uncertain, possibly a Latinized form of a Germanic name derived from the elements hrod “fame” and wynn “joy”. According to the 12th-century chronicler [name]Geoffrey[/name] of Monmouth, this was the name of a daughter of the [name]Saxon[/name] chief Hengist.” At the end of the day, it’s your decision and not your parents, and quite frankly your parents’ criticism comes from a place of ignorance. I wouldn’t pay them any attention.
[name]Rowena[/name] and [name]Helaine[/name] are too perfect for words! And I love the way you pronounce [name]Rowena[/name], I prefer to pronounce it that way too.
I love [name]Rowena[/name] and never think of it being an African American name. Actually I think of a beautiful girl from [name]England[/name] or [name]Scotland[/name] with this name. I think you should use it if you like it. Your parents may not like it, but it isn’t their child and they already had the opportunity to name their own children. Hopefully that doesn’t offend, it is nothing against your parents. My father-in-law was the same with our sons name so I understand.
LOL I’ve had my family say the exact same thing for a few of my names, and I’ve had to tell them, “But this one’s Greek!” or “Umm, no, it’s Dutch.” But they really don’t listen. Anyway, [name]Rowena[/name]'s a love of mine too and is definitely not African American sounding.
[name]Rowena[/name] is a name I would use in a heartbeat if I didn’t know someone with it. She’s a lovely teen girl, my age, but I just wouldn’t want to name my child after someone I know (unless it was family). So, [name]Rowena[/name] is a gorgeous name, definitely use it. [name]Rowena[/name] and [name]Helaine[/name] are gorgeous together!
It is definitely a European name, and don’t listen to anyone who says it’s not gorgeous!
BTW, the [name]Rowena[/name] I know pronounces it Row-when-uh.
[name]Rowena[/name] is gorgeous! <3 I didn’t think it was African-American … not that that would matter to me, but anyways, it’s a great name to use I also absolutely love Miriam! <3
I am not telling you I like the name [name]Rowena[/name] but it is your child and if you like it then I’d go for it. [name]Remember[/name] this isn’t your parents’ child; it is your!!! Good luck with whatever you chose! :).
What in the world is an “African American name”? I’m assuming this means names associated with the [name]Black[/name] community, but I hope it’s obvious that any name worn by an African American is, in fact, an African American name…
Anyway, my advice: if your parents want to name a kid, they should have another one. Or get a dog. This is your baby. If you love a name, use it. If they don’t like it, their options are to either suck it up or refuse to ever see their grandchild in order to avoid being forced to speak their name. And I’m guessing no grandparent in their right mind would see the latter as an actual option.
There is nothing wrong with the name [name]Rowena[/name]. It is a strong, feminine Welsh name with a long history. If your parents don’t like the name, they will learn to live with it. This is your baby to name.
I’ve never heard it pronounced that way, interesting. I think that you shouldn’t throw away the name just because your parents don’t think it’s a certain image/heritage. If they had some actual objection to the name itself then maybe consider something else. I’m personally not a big fan, it just feels dowdy to me, but I still think that if you love it you should use it.
I for one dont like the name [name]Rowena[/name] (I say Row-een-a and its the ‘ween’ part that gets me), but I think Roey (row-ee) is a really cute NN.
i like [name]Rowena[/name] nn [name]Ro[/name] and [name]Miriam[/name] nn [name]Miri[/name] OR [name]Mimi[/name] together and i think that its a cute name