Yesterday the song “96 Tears” by the Mysterians came on the radio, and I was reminded of one of my first loves:
If this sounds made up, it’s because it is, by three-year-old me (among others). It was the first word I “read” off of a purple crayon, my favorite color, “[name_f]Wisteria[/name_f]”. Except I was very insistent that the W was an M. So much so that seven or eight-year-old me went back for proof, and was let down to uncover that it genuinely began with a W.
I pronounce this as “Miss-teer-ee-uh”. Misteria is a valid spelling too, I suppose, though I suppose I have seen it like the word “mystery” since I learned to spell.
Now I’m not a person normally into making up names. And while I have always had some kind of sentimental love for Mysteria as a color, or maybe a story, I had never actually considered it as a name before. Perhaps an extreme guilty pleasure. But it just feels so special to me that I’m not sure I want to completely rule it out as a mn, especially if using two.
[name_m]Even[/name_m] though I pronounce it differently, it does bother me that it looks like “hysteria”. So perhaps Misteria is a little better, even if it looks like “mister”.
No serious contemplation right now, but does this have any redeeming qualities as a (more feasibly middle) name? I know it’s weird, I honestly wouldn’t expect most people to get it at all. But on a more conceptual scale, does anybody find it interesting to select, or at least ponder names based on memories or connections like this?