I’m writing a rwby fan fiction, and I want the teams initials to spell GNGR. I have [name_f]Ginger[/name_f], Grane, and [name_f]Rhoswen[/name_f], which leaves me with only the N. I want her name to involve or make people think of green, but if you find a different n color name that sounds like a funloving, loyal girl, then tell me them and their meaning. Thanks a ton!
Some names begining with N meaning green:
Nanami- a Japanese female name with different meanings depending on the kanji used. It means “seven sea” but it could mean “vegetables, greens + beautiful”.
[name_f]Nana[/name_f]- a Japanese name meaning “seven” and also “vegetables, greens”.
Nanako- a Japanese name meaning “seventh child” or “vegetables, greens”.
Natsuki- could mean “vegetables, greens + moon” and other meanings.
Natsumi- could mean “vegetables, greens + pick, pluck” and other meanings.
Other N names that don’t mean green:
[name_f]Nuala[/name_f]- a short form of [name_f]Fionnuala[/name_f] meaning “white shoulder”
[name_f]Nera[/name_f]- a feminine form of [name_m]Nero[/name_m] meaning “black”
Nubia- ancient place name in and kingdom in [name_f]Africa[/name_f], near [name_u]Egypt[/name_u], possibly meaning “gold”.
If you’re looking for other color names I’ve posted a link below to a site that has a lot of names:
Thanks, weaver [name_u]Blue[/name_u]! Now I think [name_f]Nera[/name_f] would be awesome!
That’s all I got sorry
I’ve been making my own RWBY ocs as well. It’s hard work!
This list was copied off a website with a lot color names. The site is a bit messy, sorry about the format.
[name_f]Hope[/name_f] this helps ^0^
Nahal A Hebrew name meaning “stream.”
Nahuel A Mapuche name meaning “jaguar.”
[name_f]Naia[/name_f] A Basque name meaning “wave, sea foam.”
[name_f]Naiad[/name_f] A type of water nymph in Greek Mythology.
Nailani A Hawaiian name meaning “the heavens.”
Nalini An [name_f]Indian[/name_f] name meaning “lotus.”
Nanami A Japanese name derived from nana (“seven”) and mi (“sea”).
Nanuq An [name_f]Indian[/name_f] name meaning “polar bear.”
Naranbaatar A Mongolian name meaning “sun hero.”
Narancs The Hungarian word for “orange.”
Narangerel A Mongolian name meaning “sun light.”
Naranjilla A type of orange fruit from Ecuador and [name_f]Panama[/name_f].
Narantsetseg A Mongolian name meaning “sun flower.”
[name_f]Narcissa[/name_f] A variant of [name_m]Narcissus[/name_m], a genus of flowers that comes in shades of white and yellow.
[name_m]Narcissus[/name_m] A genus of flowers that come in shades of white and yellow.
Nari A Korean name meaning “lily.”
[name_m]Nasim[/name_m] An Arabic name meaning “breeze.”
[name_f]Nasrin[/name_f] A Persian name meaning “wild rose.”
Nasturtium A type of flower that comes in shades of red, orange, and yellow.
Natela A Georgian name derived from nateli, meaning “light, bright.”
Natsuko A Japanese name derived from natsu (“summer”) and ko (“child.”)
Natsumi A Japanese name derived from natsu (“summer”) "and mi (“beautiful.”)
[name_u]Navy[/name_u] A shade of dark blue.
[name_f]Neela[/name_f] Romanization of नीला, the Hindi word for “blue.”
Nehir A Turkish name meaning “river.”
[name_f]Neith[/name_f] An Egyptian name, possibly meaning “water.”
Nemesia A type of flower that comes in shades of pink, maroon, orange and red.
Nemophila A type of flower that comes in shades of blue, pink, and purple.
Neophytos A Greek name meaning “newly planted.”
[name_f]Nephele[/name_f] In Greek mythology, [name_m]Zeus[/name_m] creates this woman from a cloud.
Nephrite A type of light green jade.
[name_m]Nereus[/name_m] A Greek god of the sea, who fathered the sea nymphs.
[name_f]Nerine[/name_f] Related to the sea nymphs of Greek Mythology. Also refers to a flower that comes in shades of pink, red, and white.
[name_m]Nero[/name_m]/a The Italian word for “black.”
[name_f]Neta[/name_f] A Hebrew name emaning “plant” or “shrub.”
[name_u]Nevada[/name_u] The Spanish word for “snowfall.”
Nevena A name derived from the South Slavic neven, meaning “marigold.”
Nezumi Romanization of 鼠, the Japanese word for “mouse” or “rat.”
Ngai A Vietnamese name meaning “sagebrush.”
Ngoc A Vietnamese name meaning “jade, precious stone, gem.”
Nguyet A Vietnamese name meaning “moon.”
[name_f]Niamh[/name_f] In Irish mythology, this is a daughter of a sea god.
Nickel A silvery-white metal. Also a silver-colored coin used in American currency.
Nicotiana The tobacco plant, with flowers in shades of white, pink, and maroon.
Niebieski The Polish word for “blue.”
[name_f]Nieves[/name_f] A Spanish name meaning “snows.”
[name_m]Nikau[/name_m] A type of palm tree native to [name_m]New[/name_m] Zealand.
[name_u]Nila[/name_u] An [name_f]Indian[/name_f] name meaning “dark blue.”
Nilam An [name_f]Indian[/name_f] name meaning “sapphire.”
Nilima An [name_f]Indian[/name_f] name meaning “blue.”
[name_f]Nina[/name_f] A Quechua name meaning “fire.”
[name_m]Nir[/name_m] A Hebrew name meaning “plowed field.”
Niraj An [name_f]Indian[/name_f] name meaning “illuminate.”
[name_f]Nisha[/name_f] An [name_f]Indian[/name_f] name meaning “night.”
Nishant An [name_f]Indian[/name_f] name meaning “night’s end, dawn.”
[name_f]Nita[/name_f] A Choctaw name meaning “bear.”
[name_f]Nix[/name_f] The Latin word for “snow.”
Nocte The Latin word for “night.”
[name_f]Noelani[/name_f] A Hawaiian name meaning “heavenly mist.”
Nogah A Hebrew name meaning “brightness.”
Noir The [name_m]French[/name_m] word for “black.”
[name_f]Nolana[/name_f] A type of flower that comes in shades of blue and purple.
[name_m]Norwood[/name_m] Derived from a place name that means “north wood.”
Nou A Hmong name meaning “sun.”
[name_f]Nova[/name_f] An event in space that occurs when a white dwarf star explodes.
Nthanda A Tumbuka name meaning “star.”
Nurasyl A Kazakh name meaning “noble light.”
[name_f]Nuray[/name_f] A Turkish name meaning “bright moon.”
Nurgul A Turkish name menaing “radiant rose.”
[name_f]Nurit[/name_f] A Hebrew name meaning “buttercup flower.”
[name_u]Nuru[/name_u] A Swahili name menaing “light.”
Nusku In Mesopotamian religion, this is the name of a god of a fire and light.
Nyanza A very pale shade of green.
Nyekundu The Swahili word for “red.”
Nymphaea A type of flower that comes in shades of pink, orange, and white.
[name_f]Nyx[/name_f] The goddess of night in Greek mythology.