We chose for our 4th baby not to know the gender. It was a total shock when we found out it was a girl. We had our boy names solid but really struggled with the girl names. We had picked out [name_f]Ayla[/name_f] [name_f]Primrose[/name_f] but last minute (literally) added in the name [name_u]Sierra[/name_u] to the mix. My husband loved it and I was just up in the air with it. For me, it takes a long time to read, research and plan a name out, unfortunately I didn’t do that with [name_u]Sierra[/name_u]. Our problem for both my husband and I isn’t a few things with the name [name_u]Sierra[/name_u] we didn’t realize which makes us think about changing her name (she is 7 months now).
Her name is a very popular truck (husband knew, I didn’t), major backpack company, tour bus company where we live, 2 street names in our neighboring area, our libraries book search engine software and to top it all off her name in Spanish mean “saw” like the one you cut wood with. This is an issue because she is 1/4 Mexican and since we didn’t share names with them we had no idea just the shock when that’s were shocked by the name!! I was a little horrified. Anyways looking for some input ans posiably some name suggestions. My husband isn’t into [name_f]Ayla[/name_f] anymore for some reason. I was thinking possibly she looks like an [name_f]Autum[/name_f]? Not sure, our family says and we agree if we are going to change her name we better hurry or just get over all the issues we have associated to it.