I’m looking to change my full name for personal and professional reasons but want to make sure the name I choose represents who I am.
For my first name I’m going for something unique but easily pronounceable, feminine, and at least three syllables. In terms of my last name I’ve been having a hard time coming up with surnames that fit without sounding too “matchy” (if that makes sense).
The first name I really like is [name]Aundrea[/name]. To give a little background about me, I’m a former gymnast/professional dancer and currently work in entertainment. I’m soft-spoken but warm/friendly, reasonably intelligent, and a girly girl. [name]Long[/name] hair, small frame, and multi-ethnic.
Any suggestions for a last name? Middle name/initial ideas are welcome too! Thanks!
@hiccups I’m looking for a last name that’s somewhat common, easy to pronounce, not too cutesy, and not overly ethnic for professional reasons. I like [name]Bowman[/name], [name]Parrish[/name], and LaChey for last names. I was also contemplating [name]Wilson[/name] and [name]Taylor[/name]. I think I’m going to stick with [name]Aundrea[/name] as a first name and like the idea of a two syllable surname. I was thinking about maybe using an initial as a middle name because I haven’t found a one syllable middle name that I’m especially partial to.
@paytonnicole I like [name]Auden[/name] but I’m not sure if that would look/sound too matchy?
@east I also like the look of [name]Andrea[/name] pronounced as [name]Aundrea[/name]. I have to correct people constantly on my current name though. Is there a way to let people know how to pronounce it, such as an accent?
My aunt is [name]Andrea[/name] prn An-dree-ah.
I played soccer with a girl named [name]Andra[/name] prn Awn-draya.
She introduced herself as Awndraya, and it just always stuck for me and everyone we associated with. It’s a pretty well known pronunciation from my experience, so I think if you introduce yourself as Awndraya, that it will stick. And if any one forgets, just give a gentle reminder.
I think [name]Andrea[/name] looks much nicer than [name]Aundrea[/name], personally. There’s also [name]Ondrea[/name].
I like [name]Aundrea[/name] [name]Kate[/name] and [name]Aundrea[/name] [name]Quinn[/name] especially I was also thinking about:
[name]Aundrea[/name] [name]Kathleen[/name]
[name]Aundrea[/name] [name]Emmeline[/name]
[name]Aundrea[/name] [name]Katarina[/name]
[name]Aundrea[/name] [name]Wilhelmina[/name]
[name]Aundrea[/name] [name]Celeste[/name]
[name]Aundrea[/name] [name]Kaye[/name]
[name]Aundrea[/name] [name]Brielle[/name]
[name]Aundrea[/name] [name]Arabella[/name]
[name]Aundrea[/name] [name]Milena[/name]